‘Big Brother 23’ Week 5 Power of Veto Competition Results

Derek X Hannah Big Brother

CBS How did the Power of Veto competition affect Derek X.'s nominations?

Veto king Derek X. is Head of Household and he had a plan to use the backdoor strategy this week.

After conducting a series of one-on-one meetings with the houseguests, Derek X. decided to nominate Britini and his own alliance member, Sarah Beth, for eviction. However, his true target was Christian.

Backdoors are always contingent on what happens with the Power of Veto competition.

So who played in the POV competition, who won, and will the Power of Veto be used this week? Read on to find out.


Who Played for the Veto?

As always, the Head of Household (Derek X.) and the two nominees (Britini and Sarah Beth) played for the veto this week. Kyland, Alyssa, and Claire were also selected to play.

Although Alyssa is in a showmance with the true target this week, Derek X. worked to lull her into a false sense of security so she wouldn’t win and keep nominations the same.

The Results

Now on the block for the third time, Britini won her first Power of Veto competition this week. It’s not only Britini’s first competition win, it’s the first win for the remaining team members of the former Jokers.

Unlike in some weeks, the HOH actually wanted someone to be taken off the block, preferably Britini. The outcome is good for Derek X. and everyone else looking to backdoor Christian this week.

The veto competition this week also involved prizes. Although Sarah Beth didn’t win the veto, she did win money.

Will the Veto Be Used This Week?

Britini will definitely use the veto to take herself off the block this week. Derek X. will choose Christian as a replacement nominee, just as he’s been planning. He already emphatically told Alyssa that the plan was not to backdoor Christian this week, so it’s going to be an intense veto ceremony.

Christian and Sarah Beth are both members of The Royal Flush which makes this the biggest swing an HOH has taken all season. Up until now, it’s been pretty clear-cut evictions of the unanimous house target.

Who Will Go Home on Thursday?

Although everything went according to Derek X.’s plan, it’s not as obvious as in past weeks who will go home on Thursday. The houseguests are divided on who they think is a bigger threat, Christian or Sarah Beth. Even The Cookout is divided on the matter.

Tiffany would really like to see Sarah Beth go as she thinks Sarah Beth and Kyland have a final two deal. She also doesn’t trust Sarah Beth or like her attitude. Xavier is also wary of Sarah Beth since she’s expressed a desire to target Hannah from The Cookout.

Kyland is very close with Sarah Beth and won’t enjoy voting her out. One thing is for sure, The Royal Flush isn’t going to make it past the veto ceremony.

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