Here are the top 10 tips/tricks/cheats you need to know for Deckstorm: Duel of Guardians.
1. So What Do Filled Star Icons Represent?
• Filled star icons represent a Card’s current rarity. Empty star icons represent a Card’s potential for evolution.
2. Check Out You and Your Opponent’s Card During Battle
• Long tap your Cards to see more information during battle. This even works on enemy Cards, allowing you to learn about their Stats and Spells.
3. Pre-Charge Your Spells
• Assign your 15 spell points when building your deck to pre-charge spells for battle. Failing to do so will put you at a severe disadvantage.
4. Pay Attention to Your Card’s Speed Stats
• In addition to determining attacking initiative, a Card’s speed Stat also determines its chances to dodge attacks.
5. Target All Three of Your Opponent’s Battle Lanes Through This Method
• Trigger an upper hand moment by matching strong elemental affinities against your opponent in all three battle lanes. Your entire side will attack before the enemy can fight back.
‘Deckstorm: Duel of Guardians’: Top 10 Tips & Cheats You Need to Know