In Pokemon Go, candy is used to evolve Pokemon, while Stardust is used to power them up. (Niantic)
Trainers in Pokemon Go are constantly evolving their Pokemon, but doing that requires a very specific amount of candy for each species. It’s important, then, to have a firm grasp of how much candy you need for everything in your Pokedex.
The first thing you need to know about candy, though, is that it’s species specific. For example, if you want to level up a Bulbasaur, 25 candies are required, but not just any candy; they must be Bulbasaur candies, which you can get from catching or hatching other Bulbasaurs. You’ll get three candies every time you catch a Bulbasaur, one every time you transfer a Bulbasaur to Professor Willow, and 10 candies every time you hatch a Bulbasaur.
Once the buddy feature goes online, there will also be a fourth way of getting candies. When you assign a Pokemon as your buddy, you get candies for walking with them in real life, similar to the way you need to walk in order to hatch eggs. For more information on that, check out our breakdown of how far you have to walk with each Pokemon to get its candies.
In general, the more common Pokemon require very few candies to evolve, while the rarer ones can require quite a bit. Using information from Serebii.net, here’s what you need to know about the amount of candies required to evolve Pokemon.
Pokemon | Candies Needed to Evolve |
Caterpie | 12 |
Weedle | 12 |
Pidgey | 12 |
Bulbasaur | 25 |
Charmander | 25 |
Squirtle | 25 |
Rattata | 25 |
Nidoran (Female) | 25 |
Nidoran (Male) | 25 |
Oddish | 25 |
Poliwag | 25 |
Abra | 25 |
Machop | 25 |
Bellsprout | 25 |
Geodude | 25 |
Gastly | 25 |
Eevee | 25 |
Dratini | 25 |
Metapod | 50 |
Kakuna | 50 |
Pidgeotto | 50 |
Spearow | 50 |
Ekans | 50 |
Pikachu | 50 |
Sandshrew | 50 |
Clefairy | 50 |
Vulpix | 50 |
Jigglypuff | 50 |
Zubat | 50 |
Paras | 50 |
Venonat | 50 |
Diglett | 50 |
Meowth | 50 |
Psyduck | 50 |
Mankey | 50 |
Growlithe | 50 |
Tentacool | 50 |
Ponyta | 50 |
Slowpoke | 50 |
Magnemite | 50 |
Doduo | 50 |
Seel | 50 |
Grimer | 50 |
Shellder | 50 |
Drowzee | 50 |
Krabby | 50 |
Voltorb | 50 |
Exeggcute | 50 |
Cubone | 50 |
Koffing | 50 |
Rhyhorn | 50 |
Horsea | 50 |
Goldeen | 50 |
Staryu | 50 |
Omanyte | 50 |
Kabuto | 50 |
Ivysaur | 100 |
Charmeleon | 100 |
Wartortle | 100 |
Nidorina | 100 |
Nidorino | 100 |
Gloom | 100 |
Poliwhirl | 100 |
Kadabra | 100 |
Machoke | 100 |
Weepinbell | 100 |
Graveler | 100 |
Haunter | 100 |
Dragonair | 100 |
Magikarp | 400 |
‘Pokemon Go’: Amount of Candy Needed to Evolve Each Pokemon