From the latest Pokemon Sun & Moon data mine, a new PokeBall has emerged. It appears to be for capturing Ultra Beasts, the dangerous new creatures roaming the Alola region.
Previously it was unclear if Ultra Beasts would be capturable as they are not listed with the other new Pokemon on the official website. The official description for UB-01 reads “In the Alola region, rumors are flying about mysterious creatures known as Ultra Beasts. Ultra Beasts possess mighty powers and could pose a threat to humans and Pokémon, so they are feared…”
It has since been officially confirmed by Nintendo. According to Polygon:
We’ve seen a lot of what Pokmon Sun and Moon has to offer today, monster-wise. But fear not, anxious, spoiler-fearing fans: There are still some secrets left to uncover. We still don’t know what, exactly, Ultra Beasts are, but Nintendo confirmed to Polygon at a recent event that they can be caught.
The device allegedly used for capturing Ultra Beasts can be seen in the data mine above.
A data mine yesterday also revealed entire Alola region PokeDex. View the new monsters and new Alolan form variants here.
Pokemon Sun & Moon comes out in the US on November 18. Pre-order it here.
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‘Pokemon Sun & Moon’: Ultra Beasts Can Be Captured With Special PokeBall