6. Yummy Worm Mode
• In the Yummy Worm mode, matching next to the head will break the ice and help free the worm inside.
7. Pull Off Matches on the Bottom of the Game Board
• Making matches lower on the game board to cause more movement, which gives you a higher chance at nabbing extra matches and causing cascades.
8. Special Piece Matches
• Match special pieces together to create special and powerful combo moves. Sometimes, it’s best to not make the recommended match the game reveals to you. You should only fulfill that match if you can’t find any other matching combos to activate.
9. Activating Line Breaker’s
• If a line breaker is activated and hits another line breaker, it will activate another line breaker in a parallel direction.
10. Yummy Worms, Topplers and Other Bits of Sweet Advice
• Try to quickly isolate the “Yummy Worms” and “Topplers” by cutting off their paths, this will make it easier to catch them. On Hard levels, start with pre-game boosters to help make the level easier to beat. And always check the Kitchen when you start the game for Rewards that can help level up Chef Panda.
‘Cookie Jam Blast’: Top 10 Tips & Cheats You Need to Know