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Clash of Kings World Cup Coming Soon, Here Are the Rules

The Clash of Kings World Cup begins on Monday, September 18, 2017, according to a press release sent to Heavy.

Developer Elex Wireless shared the qualifications for any team who wishes to join the competition. Your team needs at least 100,000,000 power, twenty members (15 in the starting lineup and 5 substitutes), and no more than two foreign members.

The global tournament is divided into 16 divisions for team leaders to sign up for. Each match involves a pre-made configuration for every players and is 90 minutes long. Buildings and success in combat earns points, with victory awarded to whoever has the most points at the end of the round. After eight rounds of group matches, the teams ranked top two in each group will be in the final top 32 for the single elimination tournament. The final two teams will then duke it out in Los Angeles at an offline showdown known as The Savage Siege.

For a more in-depth explanation of the rules, click here.

The World Cup will be preceded by the US Opening Ceremony in Los Angeles on September 16, 2017. Elex will show off new eSport-like gameplay for the game as well as take time to answer questions from players.

Clash of Kings was released on June 14, 2014 and is available on Google Play and the iOS App Store. The game has players taking their medieval fantasy armies and battling against other armies in tactical MMO real time combat while also defending your castle from attack. Since its release, it has earned between 50,000,000 and 100,000,000 installs on Google Play.

Back during PAX 2017 in Seattle, Washington, Clash of Kings held a demonstration of medieval combat with the Armored Combat League. You can check them in action in the video above.


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Clash of Kings World Cup is coming September 18. Here's how to join and the rules.