Hironobu Sakaguchi, legendary creator of Final Fantasy (and the criminally under played Lost Odyssey) has returned to the world of RPGs again with Terra Battle 2, released on Mobile today.
According to the appstore description: “Terra Battle 2 brings a completely different game-play experience, while preserving the highly-praised core battle mechanics in a fantastic epic RPG.
The new world map lets players travel alongside their companions and allows for more strategic gameplay as you set up your formation before entering a battle. The countless encounters and farewells throughout the course of your heroes’ journey promise to be even more emotional and intense than ever before.”
Localization hiccups notwithstanding, it seems there’s quite the adventure in store for players. Here’s the cinematic trailer:
It’s okay if you need therapy after that. Clearly, the development team and Sakaguchi are doubling down on telling a compelling (and clearly intense) story on a platform not traditionally known for them.
The first game – Terra Battle – was well received, though it got a little flack for its F2P nature. The combat received particular praise, with job systems and a variety of unique systems that took the familiar and streamlined and modified it (in a good way) for Mobile.
Terra Battle 2 looks to improve upon that with new companions, an over world map that lets you adjust formations, and a heavier emphasis on story.
So far, reviewers are praising that story and battle mechanics, as well as fondly remembering its prequel. Stay tuned for updates, news, and tips regarding Terra Battle 2. Until then, you can download Terra Battle 2 on iOS and Android for free, starting today!