Metal Gear Solid V was an instant classic. Despite being unfinished in the story department, the wide-open gameplay, graphics, and ability to play the game any way you like made it addict and awesome and quite simply great.
And if you’re an Xbox Games Pass subscriber, it’s yours, all yours! That’s right, Metal Gear Solid V is part of the Xbox One Games Pass program starting November 1st.
And that’s not all. Coming with Metal Gear Solid V: Guns of The Patriots are 6 other games, Resident Evil: HD, Oddworld: New ‘N’ Tasty, Halo Wars: Definitive Edition, Sky Force Anniversary, The World of Van Helsing: Deathtrap, and the retro-inspired Mega Man 9.
This is a quality crop of titles across genres. Resident Evil HD and Oddworld are remakes of classics games from the PS1 era. Mega Man 9 is a platformer that deliberately evokes the games that made the franchise so popular. Halo Wars was considered mediocre but gets credit for being a playable console RTS. Van Helsing is a Tower-Defense-Meets-Diablo style dungeon crawler. And Sky Force is considered a paragon of the top down shoot em’ up genre.
Which is to say, Xbox Games Pass is bringing the goods. Much like Netflix or Amazon or HBO: GO, there’s typically a ‘prestige’ title coming to the service monthly, backed up by assorted quality (if not classic) titles to check out, too. Popular titles currently include Halo 5, Bioshock: Infinite, Mad Max, Banjo Kazooie, and other quality games – making strong use of Xbox One backwards compatibility to bring games of old to the forefront.
Of course, the problem is if you’re the kind of gamer to invest in something like Xbox Game Pass, it’s possible you’ve played a majority of the popular games – and already own them.
What say you? Is Xbox Games Pass worth it?