The Dreaming City is one of two major locations you can visit in Destiny 2’s latest expansion, Forsaken. Unlike the Tangled Shore, this massive location is strictly for endgame players. This means you will want to be at the very minimum 500 Light before you attempt to do any activity in the area. Enemies are very strong and can quickly kill you with little effort. The average level for most foes is between 530-540, however, there are a few that are stronger.
When exploring The Dreaming City you may come across a Pursuit called “Corsair Down.” This will lead you to a Lost Sector where you’ll need to scan the body of a dead Queen’s Guard and then kill a boss that spawns. When that boss dies it should drop a Corsair Badge, which can be used to gain a piece of loot.
There are a few Corsair Downs not directly tied to Lost Sectors, however, so you may have to do some exploring. You’ll know if you have a Lost Sector one because it should reference part of the name in the Corsair Down description.
Once you have the badge, head back to the Divalian Mists and head to the left. You should see a small cave with a few white banners out front. Bring the badge to the Corsair’s Guard there and you will obtain a piece of loot. Keep in mind, completing this task might be impossible at your current Light. Make sure to come back once you hit around 520ish Light to ensure that fighting through the Lost Sectors to get the badge isn’t frustrating.
How to Use the Corsair Badge in Destiny 2 Forsaken