Week two of the Ultra Bonus in Pokemon GO has just gone live, and with it comes the arrival of the shiny variant of Tauros, according to Niantic.
Here’s what Shiny Tauros looks like in Pokemon GO:
Shiny Tauros goes from the mostly brown color scheme of normal Tauros to a mostly green color scheme.
Starting now until September 23, 2019 at 1 p.m. PDT, you will be able to hatch the region-exclusive Pokemon Farfetch’d, Kangaskhan, Mr. Mime and Tauros from 7 km Eggs obtained from your friends’ Gifts, with a small chance of obtaining a shiny version of each.
According to Niantic Support, you also have a chance to encounter the shiny versions of these Pokemon in the wild in the region they’re found in even after the Ultra Bonus period is over. Farfetch’d is found in Japan and South Korea; Kangaskhan is found within Australia; Mr. Mime is found within Europe and Tauros is found within North America, according to Eurogamer.
According to research from The Silph Road, the shiny rate for wild encounters is roughly one in 450.
In addition to hatching region-exclusive Pokemon, you’ll be able to fight all forms of Deoxys in regular Raid Battles during week two.
Then during week three, you can fight Mewtwo with the exclusive move Psystrike in Raid Battles and even get a chance to catch its shiny form. Plus, Pokemon from Pokemon Black & Pokemon White will start appearing, including the Pokemon Klink who will also appear in Raids and also has a chance to be shiny. Speaking of which, Shiny Patrat and Shiny Lillipup will also appear during this time.
During the entire duration of the Ultra Bonus, Incubators will be twice as effective.
See also:
- Pokemon GO Research Tasks: September 2019
- A Thousand-Year Slumber Pokemon GO Special Research Guide
- Pokemon Go Team Rocket Research: Step-by-Step Guide
Pokemon GO Shiny Tauros: What Does It Look Like?