I’m not a man, so I can’t say for sure, but most men that I polled on this issue said they don’t feel very comfortable talking to their friends (male or female) about the health of their private parts. Many women, on the other hand, do feel comfortable discussing their nether regions with their girlfriends.
It is not a generalization that men put off preventative care more than women. That is a fact, according to numerous studies and research. So since men don’t feel comfortable talking penis health with their friends or their doctors, here’s to guessing that they do turn to the good old Internet for some health advice. I talked to the award-winning Cleveland Clinic for some men’s health tips; they gave us the everyday ways that men can improve their health and reduce their risk of health problems ‘down there’.
5 Ways to Protect Your Package
1. You should be touching it regularly.
No, not that way. We’re talking about self-exams. If you’re under the age of 35, you’re at high risk for testicular cancer. Do a self-exam at home and make sure you get a yearly checkup from your physician. Look for any lumps, bumps, or any changes in your testicles.
2. Kick the butt habit.
Yeah, yeah. We know you only smoke when you drink, but smoking cigarettes contributes to the development of kidney and bladder cancers.
3. Get to know your member well.
I’m sure you already feel close to it, but take a closer look. Any new warts, blisters, or spots could be cancer or an STD. Check regularly and go to your doctor immediately if you see anything unusual.
4. Communicate with your sexual partners.
HPV, an STD that is the main culprit for cervical cancer in women, could also lead to penile cancer. According to the CDC: “HPV is so common that most sexually-active men and women will get at least one type of HPV at some point in their lives.”
5. Keep an eye on bathroom habits.
Are you going and going and going? Frequent trips to the bathroom at night could indicate an enlarged prostate or bladder cancer.
If you have a health question, the Cleveland Clinic offers a free live text chat with health educators here, Monday – Friday, from 10AM – 1:30PM EST.