Yesterday, I had the (rare for me) opportunity to small-talk with a group of kids.
After talking about Fortnite, butts, and some inside jokes I didn’t understand but still giggled along with, I brought up the topic of vitamins to do a little of my own market research. I knew I had this article about the best kids vitamins on deck.
“Your parents make you take vitamins every day, right? If you could do anything to the vitamins to make them better, what would you do?”
They moved onto Zelda six seconds later, but I got a pretty undeniable consensus of what’s important to kids these days:
“Make it taste like candy.”
“I wouldn’t have to take it. Ever.”
“Turn them into pancakes.”
The bottom line: Most kids don’t want to know they’re taking vitamins. (Or kids probiotics.) But according to Harvard, they’re still good for most kids, despite the recent controversy surrounding multivitamins.
With this in mind, I carefully gathered the best multivitamins for kids. I factored in the important stuff like purity and nutritional information for the adults while tossing any bad tasting vitamins aside.
What’s the point of buying them if your child won’t eat them?
Honestly. Especially if they’re a picky eater in the first place! Of course, it would be ideal to get all of your child’s required nutrients through real, whole foods, but sometimes that’s just not happening.
These are some common ingredients in the best kids multivitamins:
Vitamin A: supports eyes
Vitamin B6 & B12: cell support and energy production
Vitamin C: immune support
Vitamin D3: supports bone & immune health
Vitamin E: supports heart health
Folic Acid: supports blood cell health
There’s a lot of children’s multivitamins out there, but I was able to narrow it down to five choices that met all of my strict criteria.