Josh Bryant (186) vs. Kris McCray (186)
Kris says he took the hardest path to where he’s at now. That’s true.
Round 1: Kris misses on a takedown attempt and Josh hammers him with a couple of punches, but Kris immediately grabs a clinch and tries for a takedown. I mean, he really wants the takedown. He finally gets it, but Josh gets back to his feet only to get slammed. Josh gets back to his feet again, this time against the cage. Kris gets another slam. Josh works his way back to his feet but Kris keeps the clinch. Kris lands a knee to the midsection and they separate. Kris is breathing heavy. Josh lands a jab. Josh blocks a head kick attempt. Josh lands a hook, but Kris chases him down with a couple of punches. Josh lands a leg kick that hurts Kris. Kris misses with a chasing punch and Josh lands a clean right hook. Kris lands a nice uppercut, but Josh sticks in there and lands two shots of his own. Kris tries for another clinch but doesn’t have the energy to keep it and Josh gets away. Josh gets in a clinch of his own with about a minute left. They separate with 30 seconds left. Kris is very tired now. Both guys exchange wild punches, with Josh landing the cleaner shots. Kris swings for the fences but misses as the round ends. It was close, but Josh landed cleaner shots and Kris couldn’t do anything with the takedowns he got. Heavy.com scores the round 10-9 for Josh Bryant.
Round 2: Kris gets a clinch against the cage and lands a punch to the midsection before they separate. Kris gets in close and lands four or five shots to the midsection followed by a big right, but Josh has an iron chin and returns fire with his own wild punches. Kris gets another clinch, but Josh reverses and looks for a takedown but doesn’t get it. He keeps the clinch, though. Kris with a knee to the midsection. Mazagatti separates them. Both guys land wild punches. Josh tries for a takedown but Kris blocks it. Both guys are exhausted now and they separate. Josh is bleeding badly from the mouth. Josh tries for a takedown but is stopped by the cage. Kris is trying to land knees to the head but can’t quite get them. Kris tries for a takedown but is too tired to get it. Josh follows him with two good connecting shots. The round ends. Another close round, but McCray controlled the action against the cage and it was probably enough to give him the round. Heavy.com scores the round 10-9 for Josh Bryant.
Round 3: Both guys miss on strikes early. Kris tries to get the plum clinch again but can’t secure it. Josh lands three left hooks, but Kris weathers the storm and gets a clinch, pushing Josh against the cage. Josh gets away. Josh lands an uppercut, but Kris lands one of his own. Kris gets something that resembles a takedown, but Josh is back to his feet immediately. Josh lands a huge uppercut, but Kris pushes through it. Neither guy can lift their hands above their waist this point and there’s not much defense. Both guys connect with more wild shots. Kris gets the plum but doesn’t have the energy to knee him and Josh breaks free. Josh gets his own plum but misses the knee and Kris uppercuts him. Kris lands a big left hook, then gets a clinch on Josh’s back. Josh connects with a standing elbow while breaking free, then lands a hook while Kris shoots for a takedown. Kris gets the leg and holds Josh against the cage as the round ends. Yet another close round. Heavy.com scores the round 10-9 for Kris McCray, but this fight could easily go in either direction.
OFFICIAL DECISION: Kris McCray d. Josh Bryant (30-27, 29-28, 30-27)
McCray moves on to face Court McGee in the finals. He also sets a record for most fights while in the house.
Franklin says it feels good to have a fighter in the Finale, even if he was only coaching for a week. Dana says McCray came up with a much better game plan than Josh in this fight. Liddell says that Josh should have pressured him more and it cost him. Josh says it sucks to lose to somebody he already beat, and boy, his lip is gigantic and looks disgusting.
And with that, the season comes to a close. McCray and McGee face off on June 19 for the TUF 11 championship.
The Ultimate Fighter 11: Episode 10 Recap