David Bowie’s funeral will be held in the U.S. near his home. (Getty)
David Bowie died after fighting cancer for 18 months, leaving fans shocked and in mourning. Most people did not even know he was sick, since the music legend was keeping his health problems out of the public eye. He had just released a new album on his birthday, only two days before his death.
The Funeral Will Be in the United States
Only a few details have been revealed about Bowie’s funeral so far, and we will share more information as it is available. So far, we know that his funeral will be in the United States, so that his family and friends can say a final goodbye, The Telegraph reported. The funeral will likely be in New York, according to Metro, since Bowie lived in an apartment in Manhattan. It will likely be a private gathering to honor the man who valued both his private and celebrity lives. David Bowie is survived by his wife, Iman Abdulmajid, their daughter, Lexi, and his son, Duncan.
A Memorial Concert Will Be in New York on March 31
In addition to Bowie’s funeral, a huge memorial concert will be held in Carnegie Hall on March 31. This was originally going to be a tribute concert to honor Bowie, Metro reported, but now it is being transformed into a memorial concert. The website stated:
The unexpected death of David Bowie has turned this tribute, which we have worked on for the past seven months, into a memorial concert.”
Tickets went on sale Monday, as fans learned about Bowie’s death. Tickets sold out within just a few minutes. The timing was completely coincidental, as the organizers had already planned to start selling the tickets on Monday. They wrote on the website:
We are all deeply saddened by this news. The timing of our public on-sale date is bizarre in its timing… may God’s love be with you.”
Westboro Baptist Plans on Protesting the Funeral
Westboro Baptist already plans on protesting the funeral. They released a tweet on January 11 asking for funeral details.