The umpire crew for Game One of the World Series, starting Tuesday, has been announced. Gary Cederstrom will serve as crew chief, and will be joined by Mike Winters, Mark Carlson, Mike Everitt, Alfonso Marquez, Bill Welke, and Jim Wolf.
The entire crew worked various matchups during this year’s Division Series. Cederstrom was crew chief for the Mets-Dodgers series, with Jim Wolf on his crew. Carlson, Welke, and Winters all worked under crew chief Dana DeMuth for the Cubs-Cardinals series. Everitt worked Astros-Royals, while Marquez worked Blue Jays-Rangers. None of the World Series umpires were on the field for the LCS.
Cederstrom has 21 years of Major League service time, and worked the 2001 and 2005 World Series. A native of North Dakota, Cederstrom was also crew chief for the 2014 All-Star Game in Minnesota.
It is unknown who will be the umpires in New York for instant replay. In the postseason, there have been two umpires per game stationed in replay.
Mets and Royals start the World Series Tuesday at 8:07 p.m. Eastern. Matt Harvey will pitch for the Mets. Royals manager Ned Yost will send Edison Volquez to the mound.