UPDATE: Alberto Del Rio has officially been released by the WWE. At his press conference today, he discussed this news, saying that he plans to quit wrestling in two years and is in talks to be president of an MMA promotion. Paige was in attendance for the conference, although she did not address reporters.
Alberto Del Rio will hold a press conference on Friday amid reports that he is leaving World Wrestling Entertainment.
According to Superluchas.com, Del Rio has invited members of the Mexican press to a conference in Mexico City tomorrow, where he will discuss his wellness policy failure and his future with the WWE.
This news comes about a week after reports that Del Rio is finished with the WWE and will be taking advantage of a clause in his contract that would allow him to leave in the fall. It is believed that Del Rio has been unhappy with his booking since he rejoined the company in 2015.
As well, Del Rio’s departure may be related to his relationship with fellow superstar Paige. Rumors have been circulating that the WWE tried to pressure Del Rio and Paige to break up, even splitting them between Monday Night Raw and SmackDown for this reason. This has been denied by World Wrestling Entertainment.
Paige has also reportedly hired legal representation to help her explore her options. Unlike Del Rio, her WWE contract extends into 2019.
Alberto Del Rio and Paige were both suspended last month after violating the company’s wellness policy. This is the policy in a WWE wrestler’s contract that requires them to receive routine physical examinations and drug tests; employees who are suspended for wellness policy violations are often found to have been using recreational drugs.
This press conference will be held on the same day that it is rumored the WWE will announce on its website that they are releasing Del Rio.