The Best WWE Matches of 2017 (Part 1)

Sami Zayn vs Seth Rollins


WWE Championship Elimination Chamber Match – Elimination Chamber

Taken from Match Review: First things first – the new look of the Chamber looks pretty as hell! So there’s that. Anyways, its been a while since we were treated to an Elimination Chamber match, so we were very much looking forward to this SD Live contest within the demonic structure. When it was clear that AJ and Cena were going to start this bout off, we knew we were in for something special. As expected, both men kicked this Chamber off on a very high note. They hit all the familiar but always entertaining notes that have been featured in all their other bouts. Ambrose entered in next and started off all the crazy moves that incorporate the Chamber. That wicked Elbow Drop off the top of the pod onto Cena was pretty cool. Cena took another scary bump when AJ punched him right off his foothold after climbing the chain link fence. Corbin’s heated entrance and spirited offense on every man also added some extra energy to this match. Him and Ambrose’s altercation told a nice mini-story that will hopefully lead to a future ‘Mania 33 IC Title match. The Miz played up his slimy heel role to a T and had the crowd reacting to his constant mocking of Daniel Bryan. But what stood out the most was AJ’s exciting offense and Bray’s combination of mind games and big moves. Bray’s massive title win at the end of this incredible main event did enough to make this SD Live event even more memorable. All six Superstars pulled off an awesome Elimination Chamber match here.

Bray Wyatt vs. John Cena vs. AJ Styles – SmackDown Live (Feb. 14)

Just two days after Bray Wyatt was crowned WWE Champion, he competed in another great match. And this time, two of the men that offered him the greatest challenge stood across the ring – John Cena and AJ Styles. Before this championship defense even began, Bray got taken out early due to Luke Harper’s pre-match beatdown. This left Cena and Styles to put on their usual offering of quality in-ring action. Once Bray revived himself though, the greatness that this match was predicted to offer finally sprung up. Cena was in fine form during this bout as he handed out multiple AA’s, but AJ was right there with him as he came flying through the air at several intervals. Bray proved to be as sneaky as he’s always been as he caught Cena off guard with a match ending Sister Abigail. In hindsight, Bray Wyatt’s WWE Championship reign was far too short. But at least this match gave him the title reign defining classic he needed.

The Authors of Pain vs. #DIY vs. The Revival – NXT TakeOver: Orlando

Tag team wrestling shined like the beacon of hope its always been in 2017. Especially in NXT, which is due in part to the efforts of these three teams. Any combination of these duos in a 2-on-2 format is a great watch, but this Triple Threat situation provided something even greater. While #DIY and The Revival had plenty of disdain for each other, they made the decision to team up and brawl with the bigger team. This led to some smart work from both teams, which led to double submissions and unlikely tag team maneuvers against the defending champs. The action just got better and better as each team outsmarted and outworked each other. One of the Authors went through a table, #DIY and The Revival locked up from time to time and there were so many nail-biting nearfalls. The Authors maintained their dominance by winning this bout, but watching them come so close to losing made this match all the more intense.

Seth Rollins vs. Triple H

Taken from Match Review: How badass was the police escort for HHH and Steph’s motorcycle entrance? And we gotta give Rollins props for his new golden ring gear and “fiery” message to “The Game.” Thankfully, those epic entrances gave led right into one of the best matches on the whole evening. Rollins and HHH fought tooth and nail during this battle between an injured Superstar and his once beloved mentor. The story of the match was all about Rollins fighting through the extreme pain caused by his injured knee. HHH cut Rollins down at every turn with steel chair strikes, painful leg submissions and other assorted moves that target the leg. But Rollins fought valiantly as he laid into HHH with big top rope maneuvers, plenty of signature moves out of his arsenal and weapon strikes. This match crescendoed into several big moments that looked like we were about to witness its end. The Pedigree countering exchange that led into Steph getting put through a table added another exclamation point to his awesome encounter. One Pedigree later and Rollins came out on the winning end of a commendable performance from both men. Go out of your way to watch this one. It was that (damn) good.

Seth Rollins vs. Finn Bálor vs The Miz – Raw (May 1)

Raw shockingly put on some worthwhile matches this year. What’s even more shocking is the fact that this match was all about being crowned the #1 Contender for the Intercontinental Championship. Since Lesnar and his Universal Championship were vacant most of the year, the IC Title became Raw’s top prize by default. Seth Rollins, Finn Bálor, and The Miz took the main event spot of Raw on May 1 and excelled. Miz was his usual slimy self as he let his two other opponents duke it out…at first. But when Rollins and Bálor finally got ahold of The Miz, this match truly kicked into a higher gear. All three men pulled out all the stops and gave me the impression that any one of them could get the W. Rollins really stepped up his game here, plus Bálor and The Miz managed to keep up with him. Even with the run-ins from Samoa Joe and Bray Wyatt, this match still stands as one of 2017’s best.

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The Best WWE Matches of 2017 (Part 1)

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