Russell Wilson’s Surprising Demands to Seahawks Revealed in Bombshell Report

Seahawks Rumors

Getty Tensions appeared to rise between Pete Carroll and Russell Wilson during the end of the quarterback's tenure with the Seahawks.

More details are emerging on the series of events that led to the Seattle Seahawks’ decision to trade Russell Wilson. According to The Athletic’s Kalyn Kahler, Mike Sando and Jayson Jenks, Wilson went to Seattle ownership to push for both head coach Pete Carroll and general manager John Schneider to be fired. Wilson identified the newly retired Sean Payton as a potential replacement for Carroll as the next Seahawks head coach.

“The reason [for awkward postgame exchange between Carroll and Wilson] was unknown to the millions of fans who made the game the most-watched Monday Night Football season-opener in more than a decade,” The Athletic detailed on February 24, 2023. “Seven months earlier, in February 2022, Wilson punctuated his growing frustration with Carroll and general manager John Schneider by making the most fateful power play in the history of the franchise.

“Wilson and Carroll had clashed in recent years over the quarterback’s role in the offense and the overall direction of a team that had gradually declined after back-to-back Super Bowl appearances. Convinced that Carroll and Schneider were inhibiting his quest to win additional Super Bowls and individual awards, Wilson asked Seahawks ownership to fire both of them, according to league sources who spoke to The Athletic on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the details. Wilson also had a preferred replacement in mind: Sean Payton, who had recently stepped down from the New Orleans Saints.”

Russell Wilson Denied He Wanted Pete Carroll & John Schneider Fired

Ultimately, the Seahawks opted to back Carroll and Schneider by turning the page on the Wilson era with a blockbuster trade. The move has already paid dividends for the Seahawks as Geno Smith helped lead the team to the postseason, and Seattle has four picks in the first two rounds to help bolster the young roster heading into 2023.

Meanwhile, the Broncos are likely having a bit of buyer’s remorse given Wilson’s significant struggles during his first season in Denver. Like his idol Drew Brees, Wilson finally gets to learn under Payton, and it will be interesting to see if the legendary coach can help the quarterback get back on track. Wilson has since denied he wanted Carroll and Schneider fired describing the Seahawks coach as a “father figure.”

“I love Pete and he was a father figure to me and John believed in me and drafted me as well,” Wilson tweeted on February 24. “I never wanted them fired. All any of us wanted was to win. I’ll always have respect for them and love for Seattle.”

Some Broncos Players Resented Denver’s Preferential Treatment of Russell Wilson: Report

The Athletic’s feature detailed some of the behind-the-scenes struggles in Wilson’s first season with the Broncos. One Denver offensive player pointed to Wilson having his own office as a point of tension with some teammates.

“One offensive player said Wilson told teammates he had an ‘open-door policy’ with his office, which to another coach seemed problematic,” The Athletic noted. “‘So, are you a coach or are you a player?’ the coach asked. ‘Your open door should be you sitting at your locker.'”