HeavyMMA will have live coverage of tonight’s UFC 142: Aldo vs. Mendes pay per view event, which takes place at the HSBC Arena in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Tune in here for live blogs from each of the preliminary card fights, including a lightweight bout between Thiago Tavares and Sam Stout, plus a heavyweight contest between Gabriel Gonzaga and Ednaldo Oliveira. Tonight’s first prelim fight between Felipe Arantes and Antonio Carvalho will stream live at the UFC’s Facebook page at approximately 7:30 p.m. Eastern. The remaining four bouts leading into the pay-per-view will air live on the FX cable channel starting at 8 p.m. Eastern.
Felipe Arantes vs. Antonio Carvalho
Round 1: Arantes moves to the middle of the cage and misses with a right hand. Carvalho lands a kick that floors Arantes. Arvantes is now defending from half guard. . Carvalho looks for a guillotine choke, but moves to the back. Arantes is standing now, but still in danger. Choke still in place for Carvalho. Arantes tries to shoot, but ends up with his opponent in mount. He escapes. Arantes takes the center again. Carvalho lands after his opponent does. High kicks from both are blocked. Carvalho is countering the aggressive Arantes. Flying knee from Arantes lands to end the round. HeavyMMA.com scores the round 10-9 for Carvalho.
Round 2: Touch of gloves followed by kicks from Arantes. Carvalho lands a shot to the body and a high kick. Head kick from Carvalho. Front kick lands for Arantes. Carvalho looks for a takedown, but fails, landing a few shots in an exchange. Nice right hand for Arantes, followed by a head kick. He blocks a combination. Another front kick lands. Very solid knee from Arantes scores, but his flying knee is blocked. He lands an inside leg kick. Carvalhos fakes a front kick. Another inside leg kick lands, and Carvalho misses with a head kick. Heavy.com scores the round 10-9 for Arantes.
Round 3: Head kick from Arantes is blocked. Leg kick from Carvalho. Another lands. Arantes comes forward with a knee that is partially blocked. Left hook from Carvalho is blocked. Head kick from Arantes is blocked. Takedown attempt from Carvalho is stuffed, and Arantes flips him over to end on top. He is in Carvalho’s guard. Rubber guard from Carvalho. He lets it go. Three minutes remain in the round. Nice shots from Arantes on top. Carvalho needs to do something here. He looks for rubber guard. He lets it go again. Arantes is stealing this fight. He moves to half guard. Carvalho scrambles and is back to his feet. He blocks a head kick, but misses with one of his own. Thirty seconds remain in the round. Carvalho needs to do something drastic. Nice right hand from Arantes lands. Carvalho presses forward, but misses with a flying knee. Good round for Arantes. HeavyMMA.com scores the round 10-9 for Arantes.
Official Decision: Arantes def. Carvalho via unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)
Ricardo Funch vs. Mike Pyle
Round 1: Touch of gloves starts the action. Left hand partially blocked by Funch. He lands a leg kick. They clinch in the middle of the cage. Right hand lands for Funch. Nice right hand lands for Pyle. He lands a knee. Funch drops. Punches lands for Pyle. Funch is in trouble. This fight is over. Dominant win for Pyle, though no one should have expected anything less.
Official Decision: Pyle def. Funch via technical knockout at 1:22 of Round 1
Yuri Alcantara vs. Michihiro Omigawa
Round 1: Alcantara is pressing forward at a fast rate. Omigawa may be overpowered here. Exchange near the cage, but neither lands flush. Alcantara lands a nice left hand, and Omigawa does not seem to know how to respond. He lands a left hand. Spinning back fist misses for him, and Alcantara misses with a counter. Alcantara misses with another combination. Nice left from Omigawa, but he gets tagged with a counter. Alcantara is walking through everything Omigawa is throwing. He misses with a head kick. Body kick lands for Alcantara. Midpoint of the round. Alcantara lands a nice combination, followed by a knee. Spinning back fist lands for Alcantara. Omigawa drops briefly. Scramble. Alcantara moves to the back, but Omigawa reverses and ends up on top. Great recovery for him. Omigawa is throwing punches from the guard of Alcantara. Not much action now. Omigawa moves to half guard, but is forced back to guard. Armbar attempt from Alcantara. He has it. The round comes to an end, though there is some controversey whether or not Omigawa tapped. He didn’t and we may see a second round. Heavy.com scores the round 10-9 for Alcantara.
Round 2: The fight continues, but Omigawa may have an injured left arm. Head kick from Alcantara. He lands a nice right hand. Nice left hand from Omigawa, who seems to be fine after the dramatic end to round two. Alcantara misses with punches. Nice right hand from Alcantara. He looks to take the back, but Omigawa rolls. Top control from Alcantara, who is in his opponent’s guard. Alcantara counters Omigawa to move to mount and then to his opponent’s back. He’s in mount again. Omigawa is in deep trouble. Alcantara is moves to the back again. He is putting on a clinic. Omigawa regains full guard somehow. Alcantara is attempting to pass, but Omigawa defends nicely. HeavyMMA.com scores the round 10-9 for Alcantara.
Round 3: Omigawa lands a weak right hand to start the round. Alcantara is very composed, looks ready to pounce. Both fighters look a bit tired. Spinning back fist comes up short for Omigawa. Alcantara lands a nice combination, followed by a very solid left hook. Head kick is blocked by Omigawa, who presses forward. He eats several shots, but continues forward. Omigawa with the takedown. Under two minutes remain in the fight. Omigawa attempting to gain separation, but Alcantara wrapping him up. The official stands them up, and Alcantara rushes forward. He scores full mount with a takedown, but the fight comes to an end. HeavyMMA.coms scores the round 10-9 for Omigawa.
Official Decision: Alcantara def. Omigawa via unanimous decision (30-27, 29-28, 30-27)
Gabriel Gonzaga vs. Ednaldo Oliveira
Round 1: Not much action throughout the first minute of this heavyweight bout. Oliveira is clearly the taller fight, while Gonzaga seems to be staying low, perhaps looking to work the fight to the floor. Body shot from Gonzaga, but Oliveira counters. Gonzaga shoots and earns the takedown. He is working for the back. Oliveira works back to the feet, but is quickly dragged back down. Gonzaga with a knee to the body. He is once again looking for the back. Rear naked choke atempt from Gonzaga. He has it. Tap from Oliveira. Great showing from Gonzaga.
Official Decision: Gonzaga def. Oliveira via submission (rear naked choke) at 3:22 of Round 1.
Thiago Tavares vs. Sam Stout
Round 1: Touch of gloves start the final preliminary fight of the night. Clinch against the cage leads to a takedown for Tavares. He is moving to the back, and Stout stands up. Nice right hand lands for Stout, as he counters a head kick from Tavares. However, Tavares earns another takedown. Stout is back up, but his opponent slams him back down. Tavares holding him down against the cage, but Stout escapes. He is on top now after a failed guillotine attempt from Thiago. Leg lock attempt from the Brazilian fails. They are back to the feet. Nice punch from Stout. They briefly clinch, but Stout pushes away. Thirty seconds remain in the round. Nice left hand from Tavares. The round comes to a close. HeavyMMA.com scores the round 10-9 for Stout.
Round 2: They exchange to begin the second frame, but neither lands flush. Nice combination lands for Stout. Takedown attempt from Tavares. Stout escapes and is back to his feet. Nice right hand lands for Tavares. Head kick from him is partially blocked. He misses with a combination. Nice right hand lands for Tavares. Takedown attempt. Stout defends well and is still on his feet. Body kick from Stout lands, followed shortly thereafter with a body shot. Head kick lands for Tavares, though it did little damage. Stout is clearly the more technical striker, but Tavares is ahead on points. Inside leg kick from Stout lands, and a jab. Tavares misses with a jab. Body kick from Stout. Twenty seconds remain in the round. Stout with another body shot. Leg kick lands for him, as the round comes to a close. HeavyMMA.com scores the round 10-9 for Stout.
Round 3: Touch of gloves begins the third and final round of preliminary card action. Tavares misses with a right hand, but he comes back and lands. Inside leg kick lands for Stout. Moments later Tavares drops from a kick below the belt. Action stops. Tavares is attempting to recover. The fans boo. Action resumes after over one minute. Head kick blocked by Stout. Tavares fakes a takedown. He misses with a combination. He attempts another, but Stout avoids. Overhand right misses for Tavares. Stout presses forward. Tavares with another takedown attempt, but he fails to get it. Tavares misses with another overhand right. Nice combination for Stout. He lands a solid jab. He blocks a head kick and comes back with a counter. Tavares misses with another right. His head kick is blocked. Nice jabs from Stout. Thirty seconds remain. Stout lands a solid right hand, followed by another. Tavares seems hurt. Very nice uppercut from Stout. The bell rings to end the frame. HeavyMMA.com scores the round 10-9 for Stout.
Official Decision: Tavares def. Stout via unanimous decision