According to RT News, Anonymous has just launched a massive cyberattack on Israel, causing a number of Israeli sites to crash.
The attack is being called the “largest Internet battle in the history of mankind” by Anonymous members.
According to RT News, the group has released a statement to them:
In the statement released Saturday, an Anonymous affiliated group identifying itself as The N4m3le55 cr3w announce they “have gathered 600 websites and 100 plus servers we will be attacking” throughout Israel. The list includes banks, schools, businesses and a host of prominent government websites.
“That is just our targets,” the group warns. “We cannot speak on what the rest of Anonymous will be attacking but we can guarantee it will be in the 1000′s.”
They further accused former Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman and Minister of Finance Yair Lapid Finance of bringing “great shame to Israel.”
“Expect us to have great lulz Avigdor Liberman and Yair Lapid, especially on social networks,” the statement reads.
The attack falls on the Holocaust Memorial Day, celebrating the lives lost during World War II. It seems like the attack began on Wednesday, when thousands of Israeli Facebook users were infected with a virus. On Friday, it was reported that a number of large organizations shut down their websites to protect themselves from the Anonymous cyberattacks.
Below is a video of Anonymous’ announcement, declaring cyberattack on Israel:
Anonymous Launches Massive Cyberattack on Israel