Harvey Weinstein’s Walker: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Harvey Weinstein

YouTube Harvey Weinstein arrives at court with his walker.

  1. As the Weinstein sex crimes trial proceedings creep slowly forward, so does Harvey Weinstein – with the help of a walker.

Harvey Weinstein, founder of Miramax and The Weinstein Company, is being tried on numerous allegations of rape and abuse. As he presented himself in court in recent weeks, it was with the help of a walking frame disability tool he’s been using after his December spinal surgery reported in The Hollywood Reporter.

Here’s everything you need to know about Harvey Weinstein’s walker:

1. Weinstein Walker is Cheap, Ineffective

The Hollywood Reporter discloses that the walker costs $30. It was reported that the walker does not appear to be a size that’s consistent with that which would typically be used by someone who is Weinstein’s height. It is reported that it’s too big to help him recover his stride and that his posture is suffering due to hunching.

Forbes reports that the walker is aluminum and appears to be issued by “Medicaid.” The journalist also questions why Weinstein, a “multi-millionaire” isn’t coming to court on a motorized scooter instead.

2. Weinstein Walker Used Inconsistently

According to Rolling Stone, the walker first appeared in photographs in October and at pre-trial hearings in December. Also in December, Weinstein visited a Target store, without the walker. The journalist reports that the walker was “retirement home-ready.”

The New York Post reported that the Weinstein Walker did not make an appearance at the Weinstein-preferred Cipriani Downtown in Soho in “recent months.” The Post Editorial Board responsible for this opinion piece referred to the walker as “ridiculous” and “pathetic.”

3. The Weinstein Walker Has Tennis Balls on its Feet

The Washington Post reports that the legs of the walker are inserted into tennis balls. It goes on to say that tennis balls are “helpful walker accessories” before listing a number of alternative options that are less conspicuous, including “coasters or glides” that would have been more appropriate for a court appearance.

The journalist also made note of the degree of cleanliness of the tennis balls themselves, referring to them as “dingy.” The journalist noted that they were manufactured by the popular tennis brand, Wilson.

4. Weinstein Walker Travels in Truck, Handled by Team of Security and Lawyers

There are multiple accounts of the Weinstein walker arriving at court. According to the Washington Post, his walker is kept in the back of the SUV that transports Weinstein to court and is “fetched” by a Weinstein assistant.

According to USA Today, Weinstein uses his walker accompanied by his security team and lawyers. He is “exaggeratedly hunched” over his walker and “walk[s] slowly.” Deadline reports that Weinstein “pushes” the walker ahead of him while Rolling Stone ties the use of his walker to the inappropriate use of his cellphone.

5. Weinstein Walker Not a Prop

Vice reports that the Weinstein walker is “probably not” a prop to elicit sympathy from jurors. It is the result of Weinstein getting a back injury after a car accident in which he swerved to avoid a deer, hit a tree, flipped his SUV and then forced his way out of the overturned vehicle at which point he injured his back.

Vice reported that it was “likely” that Weinstein suffered from spinal stenosis. This condition results when the spine is essentially “kink[ed].” It is accompanied by pain and leg numbness, and, based on the description of Weinstein’s surgery, it was reported that it “seemed likely” that the movie executive would require the assistance of a walker.

This story will be updated as more information becomes available.

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