Petraeus Told Paula Broadwell to Stop Harassing Jill Kelley

petraeus broadwell

Petraeus and Broadwell.

Jill Kelley.

Gen. David Petraeus told his mistress to stand down when he learned of her jealous threats to his female family friend.

The FBI probe into mistress Paula Broadwell‘s venomous emails to Jill Kelley — telling Kelley to back off her man — uncovered Petraeus’ steamy affair and led in part to his resignation last week as CIA director.

Now the Washington Post reports that Petraeus was alerted to Broadwell’s behavior and told her to cut it out.

The Post’s new info, from “two law enforcement officials,” indicates that Kelley told Petraeus about Broadwell’s email warfare, prompting his scolding of Broadwell. This would be after Kelley sparked an FBI investigation that determined Broadwell was the sender. Kelley says she did not know of Broadwell until the FBI traced the emails.

Broadwell’s occupation of Crazy-stan was was apparently too much for the general, and no matter how good the sex was the affair had to end. The Post cites the timing:

People close to Petraeus say his affair with Broadwell ended four months ago, around the time he e-mailed her about the harassment.

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