Jerry had a trippy vision when he went through the wormhole and thought that his consciousness was melded with Rick and the alien. Watch the scene again below.
If you want to analyze the whole scene more closely, here are screenshots from his weird cosmic apotheosis moment:
All photos are courtesy of Adult Swim.
First, we have a weird Game of Thrones-esque moment with a bunch of crows flying on the screen.
And then Jerry freaks out as things begin to change.
We have this weird vision, where the goats then step in front of Rick, holding hands, and then Jerry appears in front of them. This has the all-seeing eye in it, and seems to indicate that either Jerry sees Rick as some kind of God or, if their spirits are melding, maybe it’s how Rick sees himself.
The statues on the side look like Alex Grey paintings.
The clock motif appears.
Jerry’s eyes become clocks, hinting at his later revelation: “I am time!”
We see this creature go through multiple seasons, and day and night.
Until it finally rots.
And here’s Jerry… Pink and eating grass.
Fans think this is some kind of DMT trip.
Rick in the form of a lion attacks and kills Jerry, in the form of a deer. But then it’s interspersed with weird images of Jerry and Rick in the same position, but they look like they’re having sex. I don’t want to think about that for too long.
Rick, being intimidating. Probably how Jerry sees him.
All three of them are melding together.
Jerry realizes he’s time.
Now they’re all turning into one…
And as Jerry said, their souls or consciousness is all melding together.
It was a really trippy and weird scene. But apparently the effects of it really don’t last very long on a person. And it seems like Rick and the alien have both been through this before, and it didn’t leave a lasting change.
Do you have any theories about that crazy scene? Let us know in the comments below.
‘Rick and Morty’: Jerry’s Wormhole Vision [Photos of Every Scene]