Big Brother: Alyssa Snider & Kyle Capener Take Their Relationship to the Next Level

Alyssa and Kyle

YouTube Alyssa and Kyle take their relationship to the next level

Things are heating up in the “Big Brother” house! On August 14, a “Big Brother” fan account shared a juicy clip on Twitter that has fans buzzing.

Here’s what you need to know.

Alyssa Confides in Turner

In the live feed clip, Alyssa approached Turner and asked, “Can I tell you something.”

“Yeah,” he replied.

After Turner vowed not to tell anyone, Alyssa told him that she and Kyle had recently taken their relationship to the next level.

“Yesterday Kyle and I like went,” Alyssa said, pausing mid-sentence. After she paused, Turner jumped in and said, “That’s nice. Like all [the way]?”

Alyssa confirmed the news with a nod and a giggle.

Turner then asked, “Just out of curiosity, where did this happen?”

“In the Have Not room,” Alyssa responded.

“On a pool floatie,” she continued. “In front of America.”

Veto Win Causes Drama With the Leftovers Alliance



In the Sunday, August 14 episode of “Big Brother,” Taylor won the famous Wall competition and secured her first HOH win of the season.

At the nomination ceremony, the Michigan beauty queen nominated Indy and Terrance for eviction. Taylor initially wanted to target Terrance, but after she heard Alyssa was making comments about her behind her back, Taylor changed her plans.

Taylor now wants Alyssa out of the house, putting Alyssa’s showmance partner Kyle in a difficult spot.

Kyle won the Power of Veto this week and is now deciding if he wants to use it or not. If he uses it, Taylor will likely name Alyssa as a replacement nominee and the Leftovers will send his showmance packing.

But if he doesn’t use it, the Leftovers will see that he is more loyal to Alyssa than their alliance, which could put him in a dangerous position. Either way, it is going to be a tough week for Kyle.

According to Big Brother Network, the Veto ceremony is expected to take place later today.

“Big Brother” Fans Are Upset at Kyle

After Kyle expressed doubts about using the Veto, fans took to Twitter to express their disappointment in the Utah native.

Many “Big Brother” fans were upset that Kyle seemed to value his showmance over the Leftovers.

“It’s wild that Kyle burned his game down for Alyssa like she’s not going to watch the season back and see the clips of him clowning her… even now. #bb24,” one Twitter user wrote.

“The only acceptable outcome from this twist is that Kyle goes to jury and Alyssa follows him out the door. #BB24,” another user tweeted.

“Kyle is only gonna have Alyssa, Michael and Brittany vs the whole house gunning for him if he doesn’t use the veto. He really just sealed his fate #bb24,” a third user added. 

“Yeah Kyle is done with the LO you can tell he’s all in with this showmance #bb24,” a fourth user wrote. 

Stay tuned for more “Big Brother 24” updates!

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Big Brother: Alyssa Snider & Kyle Capener Take Their Relationship to the Next Level

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