‘Big Brother 24’ Spoilers: Episode 1 Recap & HOH Results

Big Brother 24 premiere

YouTube Big Brother 24: week 6 eviction spoilers

Follow along with our live coverage of the “Big Brother 24” premiere. The premiere will kick off at 8 p.m. on CBS and Paramount Plus.

In tonight’s 90-minute premiere, viewers will watch 16 strangers move into the “Big Brother” house and face-off in the first HOH competition of the season. It is sure to be a jam-packed episode full of deception, backstabbing, and laugh-out-loud moments.

All times Eastern.

Stay tuned for the live updates..

Do not keep reading if you do not want to read spoilers of tonight’s episode.

8:00: Here we go! “Big Brother” is officially back! The premiere starts with Julie Chen introducing the season. Sixteen complete strangers are about to enter the “Big Brother” house. Julie tells viewers that the house has been transformed into the “BB Motel.”

Time to meet the houseguests. First, we meet Jasmine, a Tennessee southern belle. She tells viewers that her southern roots have made her a strong competitor. Jasmine reveals she recently lost her father who was a huge “Big Brother” fan.

Next, we meet Kyle. Kyle reveals he grew up Mormon but no longer practices. He currently lives at home with his parents.

Paloma is next. The interior designer is well educated. She attended Berkeley college.

Monte is the next houseguest introduced to viewers. He tells viewers he is both mentally and physically strong. He could be a big threat in the game.

Jasmine, Kyle, Paloma, and Monte are the first four houseguests to enter the “Big Brother” house.

In the Diary Room, Kyle reveals he wants to win the first HOH competition to ensure he isn’t eliminated in the first week.

8:10: The four houseguests head to the backyard. Each of them are holding a “festival” ticket. Julie tells the houseguests that their ticket will grant them access to one of the festival stations. There are three stations: the porta potty station, merch table, and the piercing tent.

Julie instructs the houseguests to scan their ticket to see which station they have access to. Paloma scans her ticket to see which station she is granted access to and…it’s the porta potty. Jasmine scans her ticket and is also granted access to the porta potty station. Next, Monte scans his ticket and is also sent to the porta potty station. Wow that’s three in a row! Kyle is the the last one to scan his ticket and…he is also sent to the porta potty station…interesting.

8:15: Now it’s time for more houseguests to enter the “BB Motel.” First, we meet Alyssa from Florida. She tells viewers she’s not just a pretty face. She also loves to write poetry. She also reveals she is a huge “Big Brother” fan. Fun! Next, we meet Daniel, the Elvis impersonator. He tells fans he is a “Big Brother” superfan but plans to keep that information to himself.

Time for us to meet Taylor, the beauty queen! She won Miss Michigan USA in 2021, wow! She tells fans she is here to win. Then we meet Michael, the attorney. He reveals he is a member of Mensa, impressive!  Also, he is huge fan of the show. He’s been watching since he was eight years old.

8:20: Time for Alyssa, Daniel, Taylor, and Michael to move into the house and grab their ticket to “BB fest.”

The second batch of houseguests head to the backyard to scan their ticket. Michael is first. He scans his ticket and is sent to the merch stand. Alyssa is next. She is also sent to the merch stand. Taylor scans her ticket and is sent to…piercing tent! The last one to scan is Daniel. He is sent to the merch stand.

8:30: Time to meet more houseguests! First we meet Nicole, the private chef from Florida. She tells viewers she gets along with both men and women. She also used to be a cop. Next, we meet Turner, the thrift store owner. Before owning a store, he lived the nomad life. He used to live in his van. He says there is “no doubt” he will win “Big Brother.” The next houseguest we meet is…Joseph. Joseph said although he is big on fitness, he is also very strong mentally. He is training to be an attorney. Brittany, the hypnotherapist, is next. She tells viewers she was been watching “Big Brother” since season 1, wow! She reveals she plans to lie about her job in order to keep the target off her back.

Nicole, Turner, Brittany, and Joseph enter the “BB Motel.” Time for them to scan their “BB Fest” tickets. First up to scan is Nicole. She scans her ticket and is sent to the porta potty station. Next is Brittany. She is sent to the piercing tent. Turner is sent to the piercing tent. Joseph is the last one to go from this group. He is also sent to the piercing tent.

8:40: Now it’s time to meet the final four houseguests. First, we meet Terrance. He is the oldest player in the house. Terrance is a bus operator by day and a DJ by night.

Next, we meet Indy, the flight attendant. She’s from Brazil. She moved to the United States when she was 22. She tells viewers her social skills will help her in the game. Next up is Joe, nickname “Pooch.” Pooch tells viewers people often underestimate his intelligence. That may help him in the game! The last houseguest we meet is…Ameerah! She is well traveled and works at Google. She tells fans she grew up with a single mom and didn’t have the easiest upbringing, but it made her stronger.

Ameerah, Terrance, Pooch, and Indy move into the “Big Brother” house. The final four houseguests head to the backyard to scan their tickets.

8:45: First up to scan is Terrance. He is sent to the piercing tent. Next up is Indy. She heads to the merch stand. Pooch is next. He scans his ticket and he receives the Backstage Boss pass…interesting. We’ll have to wait and see what that means. Pooch heads inside and takes a seat in the big gold chair. Last up to scan is Ameerah. She is sent to the merch stand.

Julie tells the houseguests that each station will compete in an individual challenge. The winner of each mini-competition will advance to the Main Stage. At the Main Stage, the three winners will compete for HOH. She also reveals that Pooch will not be competing in any of tonight’s competitions.

8:55: Time for the first comp at the porta potty station. The competition is called “Potty Talk.” The houseguests will hear audio of people talking outside the porta potties. They have to make note of what word they heard the most. Their word options are “one, two, and three.” Julie instructs the houseguests to put on goggles. The contestant that either chooses the wrong answer or answers last will be hit with blue liquid.

Round one: Everyone answered correct but Paloma answered last, so she is eliminated.

Round two: Everyone answered correct but Jasmine answered last, so she is eliminated.

Round three: Nicole answered wrong and is eliminated from the competition.

Final round: It’s down to Monte and Kyle. They both answered correctly but Monte rang in first, so he advances to the Main Stage competition.

9:00: Time for the next mini-competition. The second comp takes place at the piercing station. This competition is called “Piercing Panic.” Here’s how it works. There are ten pieces of jewelry placed on each of the competitors individual tables. To win, the houseguest has to place the jewelry in the correct places on their face using a picture diagram for reference.

Turner wins and advances to the Main Stage competition!

9:10: The final mini competition takes place at the merch table. This competition is called “Hanging Tough.” Here’s how it works. Each of the competitors will have to hang onto a t-shirt suspended above their head. The rules are simple. Fall, and you’re out. Hang on, and you remain in the competition.

Let’s see how this plays out. Alyssa is the first to fall. Ameerah falls next. Indy falls after Ameerah. Daniel and Michael remain. Michael falls next. Daniel wins and advances to the Main Stage.

The three players advancing to the Main Stage are Turner, Daniel, and Monte. But what about the Backstage Boss? Could he screw up the HOH competition, we’ll have to wait and see.

9:15: Time for the Main Stage competition. The three competitors will have to compete a drum kit puzzle. The first houseguest to successfully finish their puzzle wins. The competition is close. It’s anyone’s game. Daniel pulls out the win! He is the first Head of Household of the summer.

9:20: Now it’s time to address the Backstage Boss. Julie tells Pooch he will be “backstage” all week long, meaning he won’t be competing in any comps and he cannot vote come eviction night, but he is safe for the week.

But wait, there is one more thing. Julie reveals the Backstage Boss pass comes with a unique power. Pooch can pick three houseguests to send backstage. The houseguests Pooch chooses cannot compete, cannot vote on eviction night, but they can be sent home. Wow!! That’s a lot of pressure Pooch.

9:25: Let’s see which houseguests Pooch chooses. Pooch decides it is only fair for the first out of every competition to receive one of the backstage passes. That means Paloma, Alyssa, and Brittany receive the backstage passes.

And that’s the premiere. As usual, expect the unexpected.

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‘Big Brother 24’ Spoilers: Episode 1 Recap & HOH Results

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