WCTH Creator Calls Out Negative Reviewer: You ‘May Have to Eat’ Your Words

Nathan and Elizabeth on "When Calls the Heart."

Hallmark/Heavy Nathan and Elizabeth on "When Calls the Heart."

Season 11 episode episode 5 of “When Calls the Heart” featured Nathan and Elizabeth deepening their connection, and some meaningful moments with Lucas too. Co-creator and executive director Brian Bird took to social media to chat with fans while the episode aired on Sunday, May 5. While online, he called out a fan who left a quick negative review, hinting they would likely eat their words in the future.

This post has minor spoilers for the latest episode of “When Calls the Heart.”

‘I’ve Heard of Flash Fiction … But Not Flash TV Reviews,’ Bird Wrote

On X, Bird retweeted a fan’s negative review of the episode, noting that they were really quick to post the review before anyone else. The viewer had written on May 5 after the latest episode aired: “I know contracts determine screentime & WCTH has HUGE cast to find ‘stories’ for, but dragging this N & E thing out to make us watch all season for weekly crumbs for five years is ridiculous! Cast deserves better. Its still a Lucas & Rosmary show.”

They continued, writing that they thought the show would “keep Nathan and Elizabeth unmarried until the 20th season!” They added, “I don’t care about the resort line” and “I don’t care who shot Lucas.” They went on to list a few other storylines they weren’t interested in, adding: “the only reason people are watching this show is for Elizabeth’s romantic relationship…”

They added in a later tweet that they did like the camerawork used for Lucas’ flashback scene, writing: “now THAT was classy & quality work!”

The post itself only got four hearts and two retweets. And some viewers pointed out that it wasn’t accurate, since the episode did move Elizabeth and Nathan’s relationship forward, with Elizabeth admitting they were more than just friends.

In response, Bird quoted the review and then wrote: “I’ve heard of flash fiction before, but not flash TV reviews. I usually go by one of my favorite quotes before I spring my words on others… ‘Lord, let my words be seasoned with grace, because tomorrow I may have to eat them.’ But hat’s off for beating everyone else to market!”

Other Viewers Chimed in to Say They Loved the Episode

Other viewers joined in the replies to share that they’ve loved the show’s storylines, including the most recent episode.

One person wrote, “I want to enjoy every first we are given at the pace we are given it. Thank you for this season. I honestly never expected it. ❤️ ❤️”

Another wrote, “I’m more interested in the Quality of the time – not the quantity. The writers have given us incredible quality moments with Elizabeth and Nathan this season ❤️ thank you and @LindsayHeartie for such an amazing season so far.”

In a public “When Calls the Heart” Facebook group, fans were divided about the recent episode. In one discussion, a viewer said they still thought Elizabeth was mixing up her feelings for Nathan with Jack. But many other viewers disagreed.

One person wrote, “It must be me but I never thought there was any chemistry between Lucas and Elizabeth.”

Another person added, “Elizabeth went to Nathan and answered his question and said friends don’t look at each other the way they look at each other saying they weren’t just friends… A kiss will come and it will be beautiful and a beautiful blended family will come to they are end game.”

Another person wrote that they thought Nathan shouldn’t have gotten jealous and reacted like he did when he saw Elizabeth and Lucas talking, but other viewers came to Nathan’s defense.

One person wrote, “She’s already broken his heart once, he needed time to think it through. Especially since Ally talked to him warning him.”

Another person added, “It was not childish. In fact it was PEEFECTLY SCRIPTED to real life reactions to that type of situation. People either shut down or blow up and say and do something stupid. He was confused and felt hurt again. Walking away and not causing a scene when upset is a very mature thing to do.”

READ NEXT: Kavan Smith Reveals WCTH Storyline That ‘Kind of Pissed Me Off’

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