How Carmeon Hamilton’s Late Husband ‘Showed up’ for Their Son

Carmeon Hamilton

YouTube/discovery plus Carmeon Hamilton on "Design Star: Next Gen."

“Design Star: Next Gen” winner Carmeon Hamilton and her son Davin had a funny reminder of her late husband, Marcus, nearly a month after his death. The HGTV star shared on Instagram that it was Davin’s first day back to school.

On September 27, Hamilton revealed in her Instagram Story that Davin was “visibly” nervous for his first day back.

“Nervous about going back to a world that never stopped moving while his has stood still,” she wrote. “Nervous about being overwhelmed by having to perform. Nervous to be swept away with grief without warning around people who may not understand.”

But as they were backing out of the driveway, Hamilton found “a freaking baby lizard” on her thigh.

Following the ensuing commotion, the “Reno My Rental” host broke the “quiet” by exclaiming, “Dude… I just had a lizard on my leg!!!”

The 35-year-old later told her son, “I believe that when people we love pass away and are no longer with us physically, they find a way to show up in things around us to remind us that they’re still here.”

When Davin questioned if the lizard was Marcus, she responded, “Yup, I think Dad was the lizard. I think he wanted to be as close to you as possible on your first day back to school to let you know that everything was going to be ok.”

In her story, she reassured her son before joking, “It’s the cruelest joke he could play on me since he knows I hate creepy crawly things….But I definitely think it was him.”

The duo blasted “High Hopes” by Panic! At the Disco as they drove the rest of the way.

Davin ‘Made It Through’ His First Day Back at School

Later in the day, Hamilton provided her followers with an update on Davin’s first day back. She wrote, “Davin made it through the entire day at school.”

She revealed he was “overwhelmed” and “sad,” having to repeatedly explain to his peers, “My Dad died.” According to the interior designer, “He gave the day a ‘passing grade of C+ or B-’ and is ready to try again tomorrow.”

In a tweet a couple of days later, she wrote, “Today, I found out that 1. He’s in band and is really good at trombone 2. At lunch today, he voluntarily signed up for karaoke and sang a whole song on a mic in front of everyone in the cafeteria. I’m raising the coolest kid I’ve ever met.”

Hamilton added that she was now pondering a potential lizard tattoo.

Marcus Died in a Motorcycle Accident on August 28

Hamilton revealed her husband died on August 28, 2021, in a motorcycle accident.

Sharing a black and white photo of her husband on Instagram, she wrote, “It is with deep sorrow and an eternally broken heart that I tell you that the love of my life, Marcus Hamilton, has passed away. I was alerted by MPD late last night that Marcus succumbed to his injuries from a motorcycle accident yesterday afternoon.”

In September, the Memphis, Tennessee resident revealed in an Instagram video that he was hit by a driver under the influence.

A month following his death, she shared a photo of the couple on Instagram with the caption, “One month down…a lifetime to go.”

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