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Is Jennifer Lopez a Democrat or a Republican?

Sergi Alexander/Getty Images Jennifer Lopez performs at the 2019 iHeartRadio Fiesta Latina.

Jennifer Lopez has been tapped to perform at the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden after publicly endorsing the former Vice President. The singer, actress, dancer and television personality has a long history of backing Democratic candidates for public office.

Here’s what you need to know:

Lopez Has Arrived in Washington D.C. To Perform at the Inauguration

Lopez took to Instagram to announce she was “DC Bound.” She was headed to the nation’s capital ahead of her January 20 performance at the swearing-in ceremony of President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris.

During a recent appearance on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, her fiance Alex Rodriguez discussed this performance being one of many career highlights within the last year.

“It’s been such a crazy year for her, so amazing, so many blessings,” said the former baseball player. “But to think in a span of 12 months, she’s done the Super Bowl, New Year’s and now the inaugural, it’s unbelievable.”

He continued, “And what’s interesting is she’s most nervous about Washington, D.C. because of the responsibility and she wants more than anything, like all of us, to bring people together, to inspire.”

With Lady Gaga performing the National Anthem, it is unclear what Lopez will sing. Though, Rodriguez teased, “You’re gonna be surprised, you’re gonna love it.”

Lopez and Rodriguez Publicly Endorsed Biden’s Bid for President

In October 2020, Lopez and Rodriguez filmed a video with Biden and the incoming First Lady, Dr. Jill Biden, to publicly endorse the Biden and Harris ticket.

In the video, the incoming first couple asked them what issues they cared about most. Rodriguez spoke of his desire to defeat the COVID-19 virus and restore the economy.

“For me, it’s unifying the nation again,” said the Grammy and Golden Globe nominee. “Getting rid of this hate, thinking about my kids walking around in a world where you know it’s OK to be racist or prejudiced because our administration says it’s OK.”

She continued, “My kind of hope and quest for the Latino community is that they start understanding their power. They understand what they mean to this country, that their vote counts.”

Lopez and Rodriguez then made pleas directly to the Latino community encouraging their vote.

Lopez Supported the Presidential Candidacies of Former President Barack Obama and Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

Biden is not the first presidential candidate Lopez has supported. She has previously lent her star power to the successful presidential bid of Barack Obama and the unsuccessful presidential bid of Hillary Clinton.

“He’s taking steps to support the Latino community every day, like investing in the Pell Grants that give hundreds of thousands of Latino students a shot at a college education,” said Lopez in a 2012 “Latinos for Obama” video supporting the former President. “He’s fighting to keep Latino families out of poverty and he put the first Latina on the Supreme Court. President Obama has had our backs from the beginning so it’s time we get his.”

The World of Dance judge also partook in the “Women for Obama” video and fundraising efforts.

She then backed Clinton’s failed attempt to become the first female President of the United States of America.

In 2016, the former American Idol judge brought Clinton on stage during a “Get Out the Vote” event. According to Bustle, Lopez introduced the former First Lady as “the next and first female president of the United States, Hillary Clinton.”

Clinton would go on to lose the election to President Donald Trump.

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Jennifer Lopez is tapped to perform at President-Elect Joe Biden's inauguration, but is she a Democrat or a Republican?