Survivor 43: Episode 5 Recap & Elimination Spoilers

Survivor 43

YouTube "Survivor 43" episode 5 recap

On last week’s episode of “Survivor,” Lindsay Carmine became the fourth castaway voted out of “Survivor 43” after the Coco tribe lost their first Immunity Challenge.

Lindsay’s game started strong. She formed close connections with her tribemates and performed well in challenges. But like many players that came before her, Lindsay allowed paranoia to get the best of her and it cost her the win.

On tonight’s episode of “Survivor,” a fifth castaway will see their dream of winning a million dollars come to an end.

The drama kicks off tonight at 8 p.m. Eastern Time on CBS and Paramount Plus.

Follow along with our live coverage of tonight’s episode:

Survivor 43: Episode 5 Recap


8:00: Tonight’s episode kicks off with the Coco tribe. Cassidy confronts the tribe and asks who wrote her name down at last Tribal Council. Geo admits he wrote her name down. He tries to explain his logic, saying he and Ryan came up with the plan together. Cassidy is still suspicious of Geo. She wants him out.

Karla and Cassidy are talking and they agree they want either Geo or Ryan out next.

Cut to the Baka tribe. Elie and Jeanine are looking for a Hidden Immunity Idol. Jeanine finds a Beware Advantage in a tree. It is covered in ants. Yuck. She immediately tells Elie. Jeanine expresses some concern about the “beware” part of the advantage but Elie reassures her that they don’t need her vote to get Gabler out. She encourages Jeanine to go for it. Jeanine opens the Beware Advantage. To activate the idol, she must get her tribemates to give her their “Survivor” beads.

Elie and Jeanine want to keep the Idol news to themselves but…oh no. Owen saw them. He knows they found the advantage. In a confessional, Owen reveals he is conflicted. On one hand, if he gives Jeanine his beads, he can build trust with the girls. But on the other hand, if he refuses to give up his beads and Jeanine loses her vote, the boys can vote Elie or Jeanine out. In the end, he decides to give Jeanine his beads. Let’s hope he made the right choice.

Elie tells Sami about the advantage. Okay, I guess they are telling pretty much the whole tribe. The only person they aren’t telling is Gabler. Jeanine asks Gabler for his beads using Cody’s strategy from a few weeks ago. She says she wants to make a bracelet with all of her tribemate’s beads. Gabler offers his beads up pretty easily.

Sami reveals he wants to tell Gabler about Jeanine’s Idol. He thinks he can build trust with Gabler by giving him information. He tells Gabler. Gabler is mad at himself for giving Jeanine his beads. Now everyone on the Baka tribe knows about Jeanine’s Idol.

8:15: Time for an Immunity Challenge! Immunity is back up for grabs and so is a reward. The two winning tribes will win immunity and a tarp. Here’s how the challenge works. First, four tribe members will be tied together by ropes. The four members will have to run through an obstacle made of sticks. Next, they have to climb through another obstacle. Once they finish, they have to fill up a a pot of water and empty it into a larger pot. Once the larger pot is filled up, a gate will drop. The castaways will then pass through the gate. Lastly, the castaways have to roll balls up a ramp. The first castaway balances three balls at the top of the ramp wins.

Vesi wins immunity and the large tarp!

Baka also wins immunity. Coco will go to Tribal Council again tonight. Turns out, Ryan purposely threw the challenge, so the Coco tribe could vote out Cassidy tonight. Wow, let’s hope his plan doesn’t backfire.

Vesi gets to choose one person from Coco and Baka to go on a journey. They choose Geo (Coco) and Jeanine (Baka). Jesse volunteers to go on the journey for Vesi.

8:25: The Coco tribe is recovering from their loss back at camp. Ryan tries to cover his tracks by apologizing to the tribe for his performance in the challenge. He doesn’t want them to know he threw the challenge. Ryan tells Karla and James to make it look like he is the target. James is like yeah, right. He immediately tells Cassidy what Ryan said. James lets Cassidy know that Ryan and Geo want her out but he isn’t going along with it. James wants Geo out. Karla and Cassidy want to vote out Ryan. Yikes, Ryan your plan really backfired. You threw a challenge and now you’re most likely going home.

Jesse, Jeanine, and Geo arrive at the…Summit? Oh, wait. It’s not the Summit. It’s something new. They arrive at a small dock with a plaque on it. The plaque has a message that informs them that they must row a boat to an island where they will make a group decision.

On the boat, Geo is feeding Jeanine and Jesse some false information. He tells them he almost went home last week to make them feel sympathy for him. He thinks they will let him get the extra vote if they believe he is in trouble.

The arrive at the island. The three castaways all risk their vote. One of the castaways will be granted an advantage depending on what is in the sandbag they bring back to camp with them.  They each have a 1/3 chance at gaining an advantage depending on what is in their sandbag.

8:40: Jesse arrives back at Vesi. He plans to be honest about what happened on the journey. He tells them he risked his vote. He opens the shell in front of his tribe. Jesse risked his vote and…he lost. He will not be able to vote at the next Tribal.

Jeanine arrives back at camp. She decides to check out her shell alone before telling her tribe. She also lost her vote. Yikes. Then, she goes to her tribe and pretends like she didn’t open the shell yet. Sneaky!

Geo arrives back at camp. He tells Karla he risked his vote. Geo won the Knowledge is Power advantage. Here’s how it works. Geo can use the K.I.P advantage to ask one castaway if they have an advantage or idol at Tribal Council. If they do, they have to give the idol or advantage to Geo.

Karla is worried that Geo knows she has an idol. She wants to get him out before he can use his the K.I.P advantage to steal her idol. James in onboard but Cassidy is worried. She wants to stick to the plan and vote out Ryan. Karla and James are determined to take a big swing and vote out Geo. Cassidy is starting to get paranoid that she is going home and it’s not sitting well with Karla and James. They debate voting out their ally Cassidy because of her paranoia. Just like they did to Lindsay. Wow.

Tribal Council Recap: Who Went Home?

8:50: Time for Tribal Council. It is unclear who is going home tonight. This is exciting. James and Karla are definitely running the tribe. Ryan seems very relaxed. He is either clueless or a mastermind. Let’s see how the votes fall.

No one played an idol or advantage.

Cassidy: 2 votes

Geo: 3 votes

Geo is the fifth person voted out of “Survivor 43.” Ryan and Geo seem very surprised by the votes. Totally blindsided. There will definitely be fallout from this vote next week.

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Survivor 43: Episode 5 Recap & Elimination Spoilers

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