Chelsea Houska’s Dad Randy Accused of ‘Enabling’ Her

Chelsea Houska

MTV Some "Teen Mom 2" viewers love Chelsea Houska's dad Randy, while others accused him of "enabling" the "spoiled" mother-of-four.

Teen Mom 2 viewers generally have a lot of love for Chelsea Houska’s dad Randy, while others accused him of “enabling” the “spoiled” mother-of-four.

The conversation bubbled on Reddit and started out positive. The first person who started the discussion gushed over Randy, saying they adored the father-daughter relationship. But the dialogue started to sour as commenters poured in, with some accusing Randy of spoiling and enabling former MTV personality.

“Does anyone else love Randy’s and Chelsea’s relationship?” the thread creator wrote on February 8. “As someone who’s had an emotionally unavailable father all my life, I love to see Chelsea’s and Randy’s relationship! Anyone else relate?” The post garnered more than 400 upvotes and scores of comments.

One of the most popular responses agreed with the user who started the thread. “Yeah, it’s something I really wish I had too. I think it may be where a lot of the Chelsea hate comes from [an] underlying jealousy about the level of support she has in life, both financial and emotional,” they wrote. “As I write this I brace for the mean and angry ‘I’m Not JeaLoUs I JuSt HaTe hEr FoR No ReAson’ kind of replies that such a statement always seems to evoke.”

The prediction wasn’t incorrect, with plenty of naysayers happy to slam Chelsea’s relationship with her father. “He’s a nice guy but Chelsea is the lazy, whiny, spoiled woman she is today because she’s literally never had to deal with a real problem and he enabled her to the point where it was slightly unhealthy in a way,” one said.

Another person pointed to a Father’s Day where it seemed like Chelsea didn’t get anything for Randy. Instead, she fawned over a card daughter Aubree made for husband Cole DeBoer. “It annoyed me because randy has been a father figure for Aubree too so it would’ve been nice if she had Aubree make a picture for Randy and not just Cole. Plus it also would’ve been nice if Chelsea just got something for Randy,” they penned. “The man’s done so much for her he deserves it!”

Chelsea, 28, announced in November 2020 that Season 10 of Teen Mom 2 was her last with the series. She said it was a hard decision for her to make–she’s been on the show since she was 17 years old–but ultimately she felt it was the best move for her family.

Chelsea Says Papa Randy Had the ‘Best Advice’ for Her

Randy had a prominent role in the early days of Teen Mom 2, where he tried to help her navigate motherhood and dealing with Aubree’s dad Adam Lind.

“I think growing up he had the best advice for me,” Chelsea told Heavy. “He gave advice to me that was so helpful and I’m sure it helps a lot of people that were going through similar situations as me.”

While he might not appear on the show as much, Chelsea laughed about some of the remarks Papa Randy posts on social media. “Now he’s like a smart a**,” Chelsea joked. “He’s always got to fire off a comment for something. And I think people also appreciate that side of him as well.”

Randy Adores Chelsea’s New Baby, Walker

Randy took to social media to share pictures of his newest granddaughter, Walker June. Her due date was slated for February 16, but Chelsea gave birth to Walker on January 25, the same day brother Watson turned 4. .

“Finally got to meet the tiny little peanut #WalkerJune,” the dentist wrote on Instagram. “[Chelsea Houska] makes tiny babies,” he added in another post on February 6.

Randy set Walker’s picture as his contact photo for Chelsea, and quipped about missing a call from her. “Apparently I should have left my meeting to answer this call from #WalkerJune (PS: I left the meeting and call right back!),” he shared on January 30. Chelsea added in the comments, “‘How could he not answer my FaceTime.'”

READ NEXT: Chelsea & Cole Reveal Why Fans Love Papa Randy So Much


Chelsea Houska’s Dad Randy Accused of ‘Enabling’ Her

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