Here are the top 10 tips/tricks/cheats you need to know for The Tower!
1. Before You Start the Game, Do This…
• Play The Tower while your device is in Airplane Mode or just head into the game with the Wi-Fi turned off. This helps you focus on building your tower much easier since those advertisements won’t pop up on your screen. They do get a bit distracting as you try to line up your blocks and get your tower higher up into space.
2. Take Your Time When Dropping Your Pieces
• The Tower is a game that’s based on your patience and timely manner. In order to build up the highest tower possible, you’ll have to make sure your blocks are dropped in an accurate space. Any of your dropped blocks that have some piece of it hanging off your tower will just break off.
• Note that the following falling block piece will come in at the same size as your previous piece.
3. Aim for Perfect Drops
• Nabbing those perfect block drops can and should be accomplished as much as possible. Perfect drops leads to more coins, which leads to more currency for power up’s. You should aim for making perfect drops in the earlier parts of building your tower. You’ll have an easier time making early perfect drops since the speed is easier to manage during the beginning portion of a stage.
• Perfect drops are much harder to land once the game’s speed revs up, of course.
4. The Coins Earning Difference Between Landing Good and Perfect Drops
• Good block drops will award you with two coins.
• But you’re much better off aiming for landing perfect drops. Getting these will grant you 20 coins each time you do it.
5. Don’t Pay Too Much Attention to This Tip Straight From the Game
• One of the game’s tips tells players that your falling blocks will fit in much better when you play it a faster speed. That’s pretty much false. Your blocks fit at the same approximate sizes, no matter if the game is moving slower or faster.
6. Try to Avoid Using Blocks That Drop From an Opposite Direction From Time to Time
• From time to time, you’ll be granted a number of blocks that come from a certain direction simultaneously. For instance, if a bunch of blocks fall from the left then all of a sudden one block just starts falling from the right, it might be best to let it freefall.
• Eventually, that one block from the other direction will return to the side you want it to go. Use these instance to slow down a bit and regain your composure. You’ll have time to place your blocks in the appropriate space that you’ve become accustomed to.
7. The Best Power Up is the HeadStart
• The one power-up/boost you should make good use of is the Headstart. All you’ll have to do to make it work is by tapping the boost’s gauge when it’s closer to the top. You’ll acquire the best head start with this method.
8. The Game’s Speed Increases Once…
• The smaller block pieces start to fall down all over your screen. Plus the game’s block dropping speed increases as you acquire more points over time. This game starts to feel like Tetris as time goes on. Just take it easy, focus on dropping your block pieces as accurately as possible and get those perfect drops.
• Making mistakes will also speed the game up, too. Remember this – you can undo your last turn just by swiping the “Undo” directional button. It will cost you some coins though, so be careful.
9. There’s No Need to Pay for the Coin Doubler Power-Up told players not to make good use of the Coin Doubler power-up unless they’re good at pulling off perfect scores:
• The coin doubler power up is monumentally useless. It costs 1,000 coins, and you’ll never earn 500 coins in a round to begin with unless you are REALLY good at scoring perfects.
10. The Other Power Up’s You Really Don’t Need to Concern Yourself with Getting are… gave players a few pointers on what other power-up’s are considered useless:
• Insurance: this gives you one more life, or more, but it’s pretty useless. What it basically means is that when you place a completely wrong tile, you will get to continue instead of the game over message. However, usually that final misplaced block is extremely small, so you get at most a few more moves before actually losing the game. Waste of coins.
• Replay from last checkpoint: this is also usually a bad power-up, from the same reasons: your latest checkpoint will have a small block, so you won’t be getting a big chance in return.
• Remove previous block: this costs 100 and extra 10 coins for each new use. This can be pretty useful if you want to keep a long perfect streak, but most of the times it’s not. Use common sense when activating it.