WATCH: Overwatch’s Newest Animated Short “Rise and Shine”

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With Gamescom 2017 in full swing, developer Blizzard has decided to reveal another Animated Short for their hit FPS (first person shooter) Overwatch. Earlier in the week, fans got a glimpse at the next Overwatch map called Junkertown. This actually came with a unique video that many initially thought was the animated short, but it was revealed that this was simply a teaser. Today, player’s got a chance to watch the newest animated short called Rise and Shine

This short follows Mei, who has been rumored since Orisa was first revealed some time back. In this video we get to follow the origin of Mei, who was a climatologist that was stuck in cryo-sleep for a long time. Set in Antartica, more specifically the Ecopoint base, Mei awakens from her sleep  9 years later and discovers that Overwatch has now been disbanded. With her team dead, Mei must learn to survive on her own in this abandoned facility with her drone-sized robot Snowball.

While this backstory for Mei has always been known, we never knew exactly how she escaped or how she survived on her own. Being able to see first hand the struggle that Mei went through to survive adds needed emotional weight to this hero. We also get a glimpse at how she constructed her Endothermic Blaster, which is the bain of any player who is trapped in a room with her.

For the eagle eyed viewers you can catch some fun easter eggs, such as Mei wearing a t-shirt with the Summer Games logo and one of her sprays turned into adorable slippers. There are also a bunch of references to past events when she opens up the data on her computer. We even get to see part of Winston’s speech which was given during his animated short over a year ago.

Now with Mei’s short finished, one has to wonder which character will be next in line to get their own Animated Short.