A new set of Fortnite leaks have just released, which means it’s time to find the Week 5, Season 8 secret battle star. Posted online by Lucas7yoshi, this week’s battle star can be found near the volcano along the lava river. Remember, this star will only be available once you finish all of the week 5 challenges. Otherwise, it will not appear when you go to this location.
You can find the Week 5, Season 8 Secret Battle Star along the river of the volcano. When you land, look for the steep lava waterfalls along the left side of the fire river. On the right side of the second steep fire waterfall should be where the Secret Battle Star is located. Curiously enough, in the wallpaper we see a tree on the left side of the fire waterfall, but there’s no tree in-game.
Right by the edge of the cliff, you should have the star appear for you to obtain. Keep in mind, this is a pretty popular drop location so expect to see a few people land with you. We suggest looting a few chests before working your way towards the Battle Star. After all, you don’t want to be shot right before you reach the Battle Star’s location!
Week 5, Season 8 Secret Battle Star Location in Fortnite