Here’s the Boston MILF Chad Johnson Banged for 4 Months, She Says

chad ochocinco johnson mistress Beverly Shiner

Beverly Shiner.

Long before Chad Ochocinco Johnson allegedly head-butted wife Evelyn Lozada in a fight over a condom receipt, he was allegedly cheating on his then-fiancee with Boston MILF Beverly Shiner — for months, starting in January.

While Lozada was planning her dream wedding, Ochocinco was ramming his dream mistress, according to Shiner. And now that Chad’s one-month-old marriage is falling apart in the public eye, Shiner has gladly grabbed her share of the spotlight.

chad johnson ochocinco mistress beverly shiner

After 41 days of marriage, Evelyn has filed for divorce.

The 30-year-old mother of two says she first got Chad’s attention on Twitter and he asked her out. Chad was a New England Patriot and she was a fan. Of course, a girl like Beverly would never do anything immoral, so “I Googled him before we met and saw he was engaged, but at the time there were reports that she had broken it off because she thought he was cheating, so I assumed they had split up,” she tells RadarOnline

While the washed-up receiver Chad was doing nothing to help the Patriots lose the Superbowl, he was thinking of Shiner, she tells RadarOnline: “…he was texting me and saying he was missed me.”

Beverly claims Chad stayed in touch when he went home to Florida after the season, but she sounds like a stalker bragging to RadarOnline about her Twitter tactics in a catty competition with Lozada:

“We would get together when he was in back up in Boston,” she said, explaining how she would follow social media fanatic Evelyn on Twitter to find out when she was in and out of town. “She eventually blocked me after she read a reply I tweeted to (Basketball Wives costar) Kenya Bell after they had had fight over kitten heels, I said Evelyn was trashy and I couldn’t believe ‘he was marrying that.'”

Now Lozada wants a divorce, and Beverly’s public revelation will certainly be filed in someone’s briefs.

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