They’re having a hot time at the Harris County Jail in Houston, where eight employees have been fired for showing female inmates that everything really is bigger in Texas.
Sheriff Adrian Garcia said one of those fired, a supervising deputy, lost his job for not supervising what was going on at the jail, while the others lost their jobs because of sexual misconduct between jail staff and other employees and between jailers and inmates.
Garcia said he doesn’t know if the county’s district attorney will fire charges against the fired employees for banging the inmates in two of the county jails’ laundry rooms. The inmates were all adult women, Garcia said, and there were “numerous” involved.
The investigation began when one of the women was found with a pair of contraband tennis shoes. Here we thought they paid people in jail off with cigarettes, right?
So far, former Harris County sheriff’s Deputy Tony Richards is the only jailer to face criminal charges in the sexual misconduct case, for having sex with an inmate. He was suspended originally when supervisors took photos of him sleeping in the jail laundry.
The sex-with-inmates problem isn’t new at the Harris County Jail; Garcia’s predecessor also had problems with his employees getting too hands-on with the women.
The county has suspended or fired more than 20 officers and civilian employees for fooling around with women at the jail. Garcia even fired two deputies in 2010 who were giving female inmates assigned to wash cars at the department garage cigarettes and soft drinks for sexual favors.
Most of the staff at the jail follows the rules, Garcia said, but the ones who don’t owe the public an apology.
But meanwhile, he’s putting up a lot more security cameras around the jail. Wonder if would want those tapes as much as they want to sign on Hulk Hogan?