Election Apps for the Election Obsessed

obama romney apps

For those of you who aren’t patiently awaiting the end of election season: There’s an app for that!

Of course, theres the official Obama campaign app and the official Romney campaign app, both featuring breaking news and opportunities to donate or volunteer for the candidates.

But wait, there’s more. 9to5Mac provides a list of some of the best apps for the election, like free apps that identify which commercials come from which group or identify the candidates’ views in their own words.

There’s also PolitiFact’s free app that tests your knowledge and settles arguments with fact checkers and Truth-O-Meter ratings.

A number of apps offer real time updates from polls and predictions, monitoring and alerting you to results from each state, along with information on where and when to vote, and election apps from NBC, Fox, New York Times, and the like. And most are free, since you likely won’t care at all tomorrow.

And if you are willing to shell out $1.99 for an app, you can create your own electoral college scenarios and check out historical maps of every election since 1789.

election game

There are also game apps to dress up your candidate of choice, bash the candidate you dislike, or get your news while competing in election trivia.

Google, YouTube, and CNN offer real time results, and The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal will also be allowing access to all on election night only.

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