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Colorado Students Arrested for Feeding Pot Brownies to Teacher and Classmates

Two University of Colorado students have been arrested for secretly feeding brownies laced with marijuana to their teacher and fellow classmates at “bring food day” in class. The female teacher was taken to the hospital after she began to lose consciousness in the middle of a lecture as a result of her unwitting consumption of the special treats.

Three students were taken to the hospital for tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) poisoning and another five reported feeling sick. Did you even know that could happen? Me either.

“Putting marijuana into a food product and providing it to someone without their knowledge…is something we take very seriously,” Police spokesman Ryan Huff said.

Thomas Ricardo Cunningham, 21, and Mary Elizabeth Essa, 19, were arrested on assault charges for inducing consumption of controlled substances by fraudulent means.

I can’t decide if this is the best or worst prank ever. Either way, while some kids did their homework high that night, the pranksters most likely weren’t laughing as they now possibly face jail time.

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The teacher and three students were hospitalized after eating the THC-laced goodies.