Mayoral Candidate Marco McMillan Found Dead: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Marco McMillian

It was a sad day at Clarksdale, Miss. after authorities found the body of mayoral candidate Marco McMillan two days since his disappearance. The first openly gay candidate in the state was found near the Mississippi River after his SUV was wrecked in a hit-and-run incident. Here some quick facts you need to know about the politician’s death.

1. Marco Was Missing Before His Death

Marco McMillanSUV Crash

Police were investigating Marco McMillan’s whereabouts after he was reported missing, according to the Clarion Ledger. He was declared missing when his SUV was found after a car accident on Tuesday morning. When the authorities found the SUV, McMillan was no where to be found. The person behind the wheel, identified as Lawrence Reed, was involved in a hit-and-run leaving him and another driver in critical condition. They were both admitted into different hospitals recovering from their injuries.

2. Police Have A Suspect

Lawrence Reed was apprehended by police as a person of interest in the case after he reportedly told them where to find Marco McMillan’s body. After finding the corpse, the authorities labeled the case as a homicide. No cause of death has been speculated, with an autopsy expected to be released on Thursday.

3. Community is Shocked By His Death

The people of Clarksdale have been mortified with the death of the mayoral candidate. “There’s a lot of people upset about it,” said Dennis Thomas, who works at Abe’s Barbeque.

Campaign manager Jarod Keith gave an email sent on behalf of the campaign about the sudden loss of Marco McMillan.

“Words cannot describe our grief at the loss of our dear friend, Marco McMillan. The shocking news of Marco’s death is beyond difficult for us to process. We remember Marco as a bold and passionate public servant, whose faith informed every aspect of his life. Tragically, that life has been cut short. At this time of loss, we ask that you keep Marco’s family and friends in your prayers.”

Many supporters gave their condolences on Marco’s Facebook page. “My heart goes out to all of Marco’s friends and family. I’m very sorry of your loss, it’s truly a loss for us all,” said Sabrina Brennan.

On Twitter, the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund posted a tweet expressing their thoughts on McMillian’s death.

Victory Fund Tweet

4. Politics Wasn’t a Factor in the Investigation

The coroner told the Clarion Ledger that politics wasn’t involved in Marco McMillan’s apparent death. Jarod Keith also told the paper that Marco’s sexual orientation “never came up in the campaign.”

5. McMillian Had a Promising Future

Marco McMillan with Obama and Clinton

Marco McMillan was described by many as “a man on the rise.” Marco was a CEO for MWM & Associates, a consulting firm for nonprofit organizations. He was also part of the black Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity. His Facebook page shows him with a younger Barack Obama, former President Clinton, and US Rep. John Lewis. The 34-year-old candidate wasn’t running a typical campaign, where Mississippi has been known for their conservative views.  McMillan entered the mayoral race earlier this year, with a goal for a better education, growing economy, and fight crime.

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