Steve Cohen’s newly revealed 24-year-old daughter, Victoria Brink.
Democratic Congressman Steve Cohen of Tennessee is in the news for the questionable tweets he made public during the latest State of the Union address. During Obama’s televised speech, Cohen was caught tweeting a hot 24-year-old woman with this message response:
@victoria_brink nice to know you were watchin SOTU(state of the union).Happy Valentines beautiful girl. ilu
@RepCohen just saw you on tv!
Cohen, 63, initially said that he accidentally sent the young woman that tweet instead of making it a direct message. He tried to silence his critics by saying that she was nothing more than the daughter of a family friend.
As it turns out, that “family friend” was actually Cohen’s ex girlfriend. On Thursday, Cohen revealed that the woman he was caught tweeting was indeed his secret daughter:
Breaking: Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) tells me woman he tweeted during SOTU is in fact his daughter, he only learned of her 3 yrs ago.
— Luke Russert (@LukeRussert) February 14, 2013
Cohen was emotional while telling the story about his daughter, fought back tears, could feel genuine fatherly emotion.
— Luke Russert (@LukeRussert) February 15, 2013
This isn’t the first time that Cohen and his daughter have interacted via Twitter:
@victoria_brink Off to get a green beer too?happy st paddies erin go bragh
@victoria_brink miss u/wil call later _-give me a good time/on Mississippi River with Coast Guard you
@RepCohen Hope you had a great Easter! Going to see you soon!
Cohen revealed that he found out about his daughter, named Victoria Brink, only three years ago. He spoke to NBC Politics and stated that a simple Google search led him to the mother of his child:
I googled her mother, found out she had a child and the math looked pretty accurate. The mom told me we had a lot of catching up to do.
The mother of Victoria Brink had this to say to Cohen about their daughter’s ethnic background:
Yes every time I look at her I see the German Jew in her face.
Cohen responded to her with:
I’m Lithuanian, close enough.
Cohen went on to say that he was excited to learn that his daughter was watching the State of the Union, which is why he tweeted her in the first place:
When she let me know she was watching the State of the Union address I was thrilled that she wanted Steve Cohen to be part of her. I had such joy, that I couldn’t hold back from tweeting her.
Cohen’s heritage is of great importance to him, since he is the first Jewish congressman from Tennessee. His relationship with Victoria Brink has supposedly gotten stronger, since he reportedly took her on a tour of the Capitol and the White House:
I’ve been able to take her on a tour of the Capitol and the White House, I want her to see my world and be a part of it.
Memphis resident Jerome Holloway gave his opinion of Cohen’s behavior to WMCTV. It wasn’t a flattering one:
That goes to show you he had his mind on other things except the State of the Union. Everybody carries a phone but it should have been off for something that important.