WATCH: Bernie Sanders’ Full Speech to Delegates at the DNC

Bernie Sanders addressed his delegates this morning, and many had hoped that he would address the DNC Leaks or talk about his plan for the delegates during roll call. Recent rumors have suggested he might give his delegates to Hillary Clinton tomorrow rather than having a roll call vote, but Bernie told his delegates two weeks ago that he wanted them all to vote for him during the roll call vote. What did he say during his speech, which you can also watch above?

Here’s what you need to know.

Bernie did not address questions about the roll call vote specifically during his speech. He spoke about how accomplished his campaigns’ supporters were:

“While it is true we did not get many superdelegates, we won 46 percent of the pledged delegates…”

He thanked his delegates and supporters who helped write the Democratic platform.

“Despite the fact that our people were a minority on the platform writing committee, we came out of that committee with by far the most progressive platform ever written in the history of the Democratic party.”

And regarding the Democratic Rules Committee:

“Just the other day, the Democratic rules committee met…and we won a major victory in transforming the Democratic party. In the next presidential election instead of having 715 superdelegates, there will be 250, a 60 percent decline. There will also be commissions working to end closed primaries and bring about other needed reforms.”

He mentioned Debbie Wasserman Schultz resigning, to cheers, but did not mention Clinton adding her as an honorary chair to her organization campaigning for down-ballot candidates across the country. Instead, he said:

“Her resignation opens up the possibility of new leadership at the top of the Democratic Party that will stand with working people and that will open the doors of the party to those people that want real change.”

But when he addressed the Clinton question, his supporters weren’t happy at all:

And we have got to elect Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine.”

Boos erupted from the crowd at that point in Sanders’ speech. He held up his hand.

“Brothers and sisters… This is the real world that we live in. Trump is a bully and a demagogue. Trump has made bigotry and hatred the cornerstones of his campaign. Throughout his campaign he has insulted Mexicans and Lations, he has insulted Muslims, he has insulted women and African Americans…”

The crowd began chanting: “WE WANT BERNIE!” In the video posted below, you can see the chanting from a better angle during that part of his speech, around the 38:00 mark:

Bernie continued talking about Trump. “Trump does not respect the Constitution of the United States or civil liberties.”

Someone in the crowd yelled, “Neither does Clinton!”

His supporters began chanting: “Jill Not Hill!” over Bernie’s speech, as he talked about defeating Donald Trump.

Bernie continued:

“Further it seems to me that if we are going to turn this country around … we need to build a movement that is prepared to fight in every level of government from the school boards to the city councils, the county commissioners, to the United States Senate.”

He concluded his campaign with encouraging words:

“There are extraordinarily wonderful and beautiful people all over this country. I have met people in every state … who have hope in their minds and are prepared to come together to transform our country. This campaign has been a fantastic beginning, and from today onward we continue the fight.

Despite his call to elect Clinton, many of Bernie’s supporters won’t be following suit. Read our story about it below:

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