YouTube, Apple, and Facebook have taken steps to remove content associated with Alex Jones and his program InfoWars. According to CNN, each platform announced that they had removed Jones’ content on Monday because it had violated their policies.
Jones’ ex-wife Kelly, who has been an outspoken opposer of his, tweeted out her support for the removal. “Hats off to industry leader Apple for caring about its iTunes subscribers & removing all of my ex-husband, Alex Jones’ podcasts,” she wrote. “I just switched back to Apple and will replace my tired and tone-deaf #spotify acct w Apple Music.”
Kelly also told her Twitter followers to “stay tuned for a big announcement” regarding Apple and the removal of Jones’ content.
In the meantime, here’s what you need to know about Kelly Jones:
1. She Was Married to Jones from 2002 to 2015
Kelly told the David Pakman Show that she met Jones after she moved to Austin, Texas, and was working for a public access TV station. “[He was] different than anybody I had ever met,” she said. Kelly claims that things took a turn for the worse shortly after they married, however. “Suddenly I was living in a domestically violent situation completely isolated from all friends and family,” she revealed. “It was a nightmare to be with him, it was horrible, and especially towards the end it was awful, untenable.”
Kelly cited Citing her ex-husband’s anger problems and substance abuse issues made their marriage unbearable, and that the only reason she stayed with him for so long was because she was caught in a “domestic violence cycle.” After the couple finalized their divorce in 2015, Kelly said that she felt compelled to speak out against him so that she could help others who may be in a similar situation.
“The reason why I’m coming out so hard, too, is I divorced Alex Jones,” she said. “And everybody looked at me and gaslit me and said I was a liar and worse and treated me horribly, victim-shamed me when I came forward with serious concerns about abuse, and neglect, and other things.”
“If that can happen to me with Alex Jones,” she reasoned, “there’s people back there all over Travis [County in Texas] and all over this country who don’t have the possibility of this kind of publicity because they didn’t divorce a notorious unwell person.” You can watch the full interview above.
2. She Claims That Jones ‘Brainwashed’ & ‘Manipulated’ Their 3 Children
After Kelly filed for divorce in 2013, Newsweek reports that she was involved in a lengthy custody battle over their three children: G.G., C.A., and Rex. She told the publication that her ex-husband was a “vengeful narcissist” and that his behavior after the split was “irresponsible and endangering” to their family. Kelly went on to cite an incident where Jones harassed and followed around Senator Bernie Sanders at the Los Angeles International Airport with his children in tow.
“This is the kids’ vacation with their dad,” she said. “Out chasing around this politician and broadcasting it to make everything about him on their vacation.” Kelly accused Jones of “brainwashing” their son Rex in particular. “I’m horrified by what Alex has done,” she told Salon. “What he’s done is horrifically endangering and exploitive of our son.”
3. She Launched 2 Website Campaign Against Jones Since 2017
In the midst of their lengthy divorce, Kelly launched the website alexjonesx.com to reveal how the public figure behaves behind closed doors. “I’m going to point out all the horrible outrageous behavior, but I’m not out to disparage the man,” she told NY Daily News. “He is the father of my children. I’m standing up to the bully.”
On the website, Kelly penned an open letter detailing the legal troubles that she has run into against Jones. “I have been subjected to interrogation on horrific false criminal charges,” she continued. “I lost custody of my children on trumped-up false allegations that have been shown to be false and which my children have refuted. My ex-husband’s argument was based on hearsay upon hearsay statements. I am launching this site to consolidate the evidence of my case… and to encourage public outrage at what happened in my case.”
The website’s last entry was December 2017. Kelly has since launched a second website, custodywars.com, where she continues to criticize Jones’ work and provide updates on the custody of their children.
4. She Claims That Jones Has Continued to Be Emotionally Abusive
In a recent interview with Inside Edition, Kelly has said that her ex-husband has continued to be emotionally abusive towards her. “What Alex has done after I filed for divorce is much more abusive than what I experienced in the marriage because he’s used litigation to hurt the children to hurt me,” she said. “He’s an unhappy, unwell man.”
Kelly has also noted the instances where Jones has made offensive and outrageous claims towards other families, like when he claimed that the Sandy Hook school shooting in 2012 was a hoax. “Alex has clearly said repeatedly that these beautiful children were not real, these deceased children,” she explained. “As a mom I just can’t understand a worse kind of hell.”
5. She’s Asked YouTube to Remove Jones’ Content In the Past
After her son Rex appeared on a March episode of InfoWars, Kelly took to Twitter to voice her concerns about the episode and the negative impact it would have on him. “I am horrified & incredibly concerned for my vulnerable minor son who has been endangered and exploited for ratings by my ex-husband, Alex Jones,” she wrote. “I implore @YouTube to immediately remove these endangering videos. I am speaking to counsel and will issue a video statement today.”
On her Custody Wars site, Kelly has posted several petitions regarding Jones’ YouTube content. She writes that the videos are not only defamatory, but they are also “endangering in that [they] broadcasted the address where my children and I reside.” Check out a petition here.
On her Twitter account, which is the handle @AlexJones_Ex, Kelly praised Apple a second time for their decision to remove Jones’ content. “Thank you again, Apple, for removing my ex, Alex Jones’ hate-laden podcasts from iTunes,” she wrote. “May I suggest you offer the millions of people fleeing tone-deaf Spotify the #unpluginfowars special? And a way to import their playlists?”