The West Hollywood City Council has just voted to remove the Trump star from the walk of fame. You can read the full text of the resolution they adopted here.
John Duran, the mayor of West Hollywood, confirmed the vote in a tweet tonight.
The West Hollywood City Council was voting Monday night on a resolution that would call on Los Angeles to remove the Trump star. The resolution urges the city of Los Angeles and the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce to remove the marker “due to [Trump’s] disturbing treatment of women and other actions that do not meet the values of the city of West Hollywood, the region, state, and country.”
The resolution was put forward by Councilwoman Lindsey Horvath and John D’Amico .
The Mayor of West Hollywood Says Someone Who “Belittles and Attacks Minorities” Does Not Deserve a Hollywood Star

GettyTrump’s star on the Hollywood walk of fame
John Duran is the mayor of West Hollywood. On Monday evening, he told Heavy that the resolution which passed tonight is not binding — it is simply a resolution urging the city of Los Angeles to remove the star. Duran added, “It is not a decision which we have any authority over.”
Duran said that during the meeting today, he told Council members the following:
“The West Hollywood City Council did not pass the resolution because Donald Trump is a conservative or a Republican. Earning a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame is an honor. When one belittles or attacks minorities, immigrants, Muslims, people with disabilities or women — the honor no longer exists.”
The Resolution Refers to Trump’s Alleged Mistreatment of Women. It Also Brings Up the Separation of Families at the US Border, and Trump’s Relationship With Putin
The resolution says that for a number of reasons, Trump no longer deserves to have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. First and foremost, the resolution is concerned with Trump’s treatment of women. It argues that there are a number of “disturbing instances concerning Trump’s treatment of women” — including the Access Hollywood tape where Trump can be heard making “disparaging remarks” about women.
But the resolution also says that Trump has not met the “shared values” of West Hollywood. The text refers to the separation of families at the US-Mexico border; the evidence of Russian interference in the 2016 US presidential election; his lack of action on climate change; and his treatment of transgender individuals.
Trump’s Star Was Destroyed Last Month In An Act of Vandalism
Towards the end of July, a man named Austin Clay snuck a pickax over to the Trump star. Clay used to pickax to demolish the star. He was caught on surveillance video smashing the star and eventually turned himself in to the authorities. Clay later told TMZ that he was pround of what he had done and bragged that celebrities like Robert DeNiro had supported his actions.
Clay was arrested and held on a felony charge. The star was quickly replaced and is intact now.