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State of the Union Live Fact Check: How to Watch a Fact Checker for SOTU 2019 Online

President Donald Trump is delivering his State of the Union speech today at 9 p.m. Eastern, and numerous people are going to be interested in fact checking his speech live. Here are some resources you can use.

NPR Fact Checker

NPR is seeking to present an unbiased fact checking of not only Donald Trump’s speech, but Stacey Abrams’ response too.  A live fact check of Trump’s speech is available at this link. A live fact check of Abrams’ speech is available at this link.

USA Today Fact Checker

USA Today’s journalists will be providing instant fact checking through their Twitter account, @usatodayDC. The fact checkers include Bart Jansen, who covers immigration, Deirdre Shesgreen, foreign affairs, Paul Davidson, Federal Reserve and economics, Alan Gomez, immigration, Dennis Wagner, investigative journalist, Daniel Gonzalez, immigration reporter, Donovan Slack, veteran affairs, Michael Squires, border security, and Josh Susong, investigative reporting.


Politifact is offering a live fact checker tonight online here.

You can also download a fact-checking app called FactStream, which is a combined effort of Politifact, Reporters Lab, the Washington Post, and FactCheck.org.

This year’s State of the Union will be a significant event, considering that it was delayed a week due to the government shutdown, and is being delivered as another shutdown looms. What issues will Trump address? What plans for the future will he talk about? Trump’s speech will begin tonight, February 5, at 9 p.m. Eastern.

There’s a lot of speculation about what Trump will be addressing during his speech. The White House has already revealed themes for the State of the Union tonight, ABC News shared. The White House has said the SOTU will be optimistic and call for bipartisanship with an “inspiring vision of American greatness.” The title of the speech is “Choosing Greatness” and will include five themes: immigration, trade, infrastructure, health care, and national security. Trump will also speak about Venezuela and abortion. There are also rumors that Trump might speak about his second summit with Kim Jong Un about North Korea. An early excerpt sent to the media reads:

Together we can break decades of political stalemate, we can bridge old divisions, heal old wounds, build new coalitions, forge new solutions and unlock the extraordinary promise of America’s future. The decision is ours to make.

After his speech, Stacey Abrams will deliver the Democrats’ official response.

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Here is where you can find live fact checkers for tonight's State of the Union address.