Lil Reese Responds to Video of Him Getting Jumped and Robbed

Lil Reese Instagram (@reesemoney300)

Lil Reese was jumped by rival rapper Skeezy 4 of his associates earlier this week. Skeezy posted screenshots of the video on Instagram this past Sunday, threatening to release the full video. The photos show rapper Lil Reese on the ground being punched and kicked by the group of men and allegedly defecating in his pants.

Skeezy then released the full video which clearly shows Lil Reese being jumped by the 5 men.

“This is what happens when the so called “Chiraq Grim Reaper” @reesemoney300 plays with the wrong people” The original Instagram post said “???‍♂️ He ends up beat up, shittin on his self and getting all his lil money took out his pocket ?????.” The post then tags rapper 50 Cent and DJ Akademiks and several other media outlets, telling them to contact him if they want the full video.

The rapper responded on Twitter, admitting that it was him in the video and telling people to “kill the lies”.

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#lilreese speaks

A post shared by LordKashTv? (@lordkashtv) on Jun 2, 2019 at 9:03am PDT

He also posted a video on Snapchat showing off $40K in cash and calling the attack “the weakest jump in history” and saying that he did not soil himself during the attack. He then asks the men to release the video of him “shittin’ himself” and accuses them of lying.

Fans and journalists reviewed Lil Reese’s tweets and found that the attack may have happened months ago. Lil Reese tweeted that he “jumped by 5 opps” and that he emerged “without a scratch”. It has not been confirmed that this was the same incident despite the similar descriptions.

Lil Reese then got into it with a different rapper, YBN Nahmir. Reese previously mocked YBN member Almighty Jay for being jumped and robbed in New York earlier this year. When Resse himself was robbed, YBN Nahmir “liked” a tweet mocking Reese for his earlier statements. A fan then alerted Lil Reese to Nahmir’s activity which prompted him to respond.

YBN Nahmir responded with a cryptic tweet right after that said “show me”.

The beef has seemingly ended there for now and all parties have moved on to posting different things on social media.

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