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Dr. Oz on Coronavirus: ‘Pretty Good Chance You’re Going to Get it’

Coronavirus is shaping the way we work, consume entertainment and just about a ton of other things too.

Appearing on CBS Radio’s The Zach Gelb Show, health expert, Dr. Mehmet Oz detailed the latest on Coronavirus.

“If we do this right, then we’ll be able to start on this virus pretty quickly,” Dr. Oz told Zach Gelb.

Certainly by June – that sounds like a long time away – but within the next two months we’ll be able to slow it down so much so that everybody will catch up to it and then we’ll be able to loosen everything up and it’ll go back to life as much as possible, back to normal. But if we don’t do it correctly, then we could run into a catastrophe like Italy is facing where you have a tsunami of patients heading into underprepared emergency rooms and that would be hard for our medical system to deal with.

Coronavirus has also impacted sports. The NCAA’s March Madness college basketball tournament was cancelled. The NBA season has also been suspended after discovering Utah Jazz player Rudy Gobert tested positive for the coronavirus. It was later revealed that Gobert’s Jazz teammate, Donovan Mitchell also tested positive for COVID-19,

While on TNT’s Inside The NBA, NBA Hall of Famer, Charles Barkley told the tv crew of Ernie Johnson, Kenny Smith and Shaquille O’Neal that he’s been self-quarantined. T “I spent the earlier part of the week in New York City,” Barkley said last week.

“And when I got to Atlanta I wasn’t feeling well. I talked to a couple of people at Turner and a couple of doctors and they told me to self-quarantine for the next 48 hours. I started yesterday; this is my second day. I haven’t been feeling great and I didn’t want to take any chances.”

Barkley, a retired 16-year NBA vet says he’s taking the proper steps moving forward. “They told me to self-quarantine for 48 hours,” he said.

“I went and took the coronavirus test late this afternoon; I have not gotten the results back. I’m just kind of in limbo right now. I’m really hoping it was just a bug.”

On the Zach Gelb Show, Dr. Oz indicates that many could get coronavirus. “Our best guess is that half the population is going to get coronavirus in the next year,” he said.

“There’s a pretty good chance you’re going to get it and you’ll have no problem with it. Eighty percent of the people – especially young, healthy folks – [have] very few issues. It’s may be a little bit worse in terms of mortality rate than seasonal flu, but not a catastrophe.”

Dr. Oz also thinks that things will be pretty tight until June. “You’re not going to be able to party it up for two months,” he said,

“But we’ll be back to relative normalcy, I’m hoping, as we catch up to this virus.”

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Appearing on CBS Radio's Zach Gelb Show, Dr. Oz details the latest in Coronavirus. Heavy.com's Brandon 'Scoop B' Robinson breaks it down.