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Receiptify: What Is the Viral Spotify Plug-in & How Does It Work?

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Receiptify is a new app that is going viral with Instagram and Spotify users. It’s a plug-in that takes your top Spotify tracks and turns them into a receipt that you can then share on Instagram. Here’s how it works.

Receiptify Turns Your Top Songs Into a Receipt Where Duration Doubles for the Amount

Recepitify is a plug-in that turns your top Spotify tracks into shopping receipts, Bandwagon reported. It integrates with your Spotify account and you can choose to have your top songs listed from the last month, the last six months, or even all time.

Each track’s length is listed as a “duration” and it totals as the “amount” charged at the end of the receipt.

To use the plug-in, log into Receiptify with Spotify (you should already be logged into Spotify for this to work.) Next, choose whether you want to generate a receipt from the last month, the last six months, or all time. Review the image and then click “Download Image” at the end. Then you can share the image on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or wherever you want. The app’s creator shared on Twitter that the download button might not work on mobile and if that’s the case, you’ll need to take a screenshot. She also said that there may be some bugs and she’ll fix them as they pop up.

This video explains just how Receiptify works.

You can access Receiptify by going to the Receiptify.Herokuapp link.

Receiptify Was Created by a Developer at Carnegie Mellon & Was Inspired by AlbumReceipts on Instagram

Receiptify’s website notes that it was created by Michelle Liu. Liu is a developer and first-year Systems student at Carnegie Mellon University, according to her website. Her website notes that she has two cats named Sugar and Cookie.

Liu shared her journey to creating Receiptify on a Twitter thread.

She noted that the app might also crash because of Heroku’s limits on free accounts, but if you try again later it should work. She said she might also invest in a paid version and asked people to donate if you like the app.

Receiptify’s website notes that it was inspired by the Instagram account AlbumReceipts. They make receipts based on albums, with the songs’ duration listed as the amountand the total time being the total time for the entire album.

AlbumReceipts, in turn, was inspired by YvesGuardian, who took songs and turned them into tickets.

YvesGuardian wrote 10 weeks ago, in part: “Hey guys! I decided that I wanted to make a couple more tickets before I end up either giving the idea to someone else OR just leaving it to proceed with other designs that I want to do. The reason behind this is mainly due to me not liking to work on one thing all the time + seeing how stressful this can be (which is why I respect @albumreceipts so much) and me not being able to handle stress at all, I’d rather not.”

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Receiptify is a new plug-in that is quickly going viral.