Tennessee Teen Impaled by Tractor Spike During Freak Sledding Accident

teen impaled sledding accident

Facebook Sam Reid, 17.

A Tennessee teen is going viral after he survived being impaled by a hay baler spear during a freak sledding accident.

Sam Reid of Arlington was sledding behind a four-wheeler in a cow pasture on February 13 when his tow rope broke, WREG reported. The 17-year-old then flew into the path of the hay tractor, the station continued.

“It had those two big spikes that stab the hay,” his father, Todd Reid, told WREG. “He slid into one of the spikes, and it went in his lower left abdomen, up through his chest, and then came outside the back right side of his neck.”

WREG said the accident occurred at the home of a retired sheriff’s deputy who was able to keep Sam Reid alive until help arrived.

Firefighters cut Sam Reid from the tractor and rushed him to the Regional Medical Center, according to the news station. Trauma doctors then successfully removed the four-foot steel spike from the teen during surgery, WREG said.

Here’s what you need to know:

Sam Reid Lost Half of His Left Lung & Broke Six Ribs & Several Small Bones in His Neck

According to The Sacramento Bee, Sam Reid lost half of his left lung and suffered from six broken ribs and several smaller broken bones in his neck. He is also experiencing numbness and weakness in his left arm, the news outlet added.

Sam Reid’s parents, Todd and Christie Reid, were spending the weekend in Natchez, Mississippi, when they learned that their son had been involved in the disturbing accident, The Sacramento Bee said. Doctors told the couple that their son is lucky, considering the spike barely missed piercing his heart and spinal cord, the Daily Memphian reported.

“The friend who was driving heard the rope snap and tried to run and intercept Sam,” Christie Reid told the publication. “He didn’t make it in time. Sam slid right into that hay fork.”

According to the Reids, the metal stake entered Sam Reid’s lower abdomen and made its way up through his chest and out from behind his neck and shoulder, the Daily Memphian said.

“His pain doctor saw pictures of his surgery and he looked at Sam this morning and said, ‘Listen, God has a plan for you. You’ve been saved for a reason.’ He said, ‘I’m telling you that. I cannot believe that is what when through his body’,” Todd Reid said to WREG.

According to His Parents, Sam Reid Is Walking Again

Sam Reid’s parents said they are feeling blessed to see their son walking just days after he was impaled, according to the couple’s Facebook posts.

On February 16, the couple shared on their joint Facebook page that the 17-year-old walked 20 feet, writing:

We’ve made some progress!
Sam asked the doctor how soon before he can go home. He told him the sooner you get up and moving the sooner you can go home. Sam said “Let’s do this.” 30 minutes later after getting the tubes and wires organized he stood up and walked about 20 feet. So proud of him! He is in a patient chair now instead of the bed. God saved Sam Saturday night. Y’all’s prayers are helping him heal! Thank you so so much!

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