WWE Backlash 2016: The Results & Highlights You Need to Know

Dean Ambrose (c) vs. AJ Styles (WWE World Championship)

Winner: The New WWE World Champion, AJ Styles!

Highlights: AJ got the best of Ambrose during their 1st lockup exchange. On the 2nd one, AJ tried to sneak in some quick pins but his attempts were thwarted. AJ then used a waist lock takedown to put Ambrose down. AJ’s jaw jacking pissed off Ambrose and then lit a fire under the champion, who began taking AJ down with punches and armdrags. AJ retreated to the outside, but Ambrose attempted to follow him. Ambrose ran into the ring and was met with stomps from the challenger. Ambrose looked to roll AJ up, but AJ escaped and used a stiff forearm shot to lay him out. AJ then began taking over his opponent for a few moments. AJ remained in control for a little while, but Ambrose backdropped him out of nowhere. Ambrose looked to fly through the ropes at AJ, but AJ ran into the ring and tripped Ambrose up. AJ finally got more control over Ambrose soon after.

AJ used his offense to target Ambrose’s head/neck area. Ambrose tried to get out of AJ’s grasp, but AJ used his impressive dropkick to punish him some more. AJ remained in control for much longer with constant strikes. Ambrose finally woke and began landing a few strikes of his own. He threw AJ into the corner and attempted to follow him, but AJ dodged him and caused Ambrose to slam his arm right into the ring post. A striking war ensued between both men that led to them getting locked onto the top rope. Ambrose flipped AJ over right onto the mat during a big super backdrop attempt. Both men struggled to get to the feet, but Ambrose managed to do so first and land his signature comeback offense. Ambrose used several moves to power down his swifter opponent at all costs.

AJ slipped to the outside, but Ambrose followed him with a nice flying elbow drop. Back in the ring, Ambrose used a Sitout Facebuster that almost finished off AJ. Ambrose almost got locked into the Calf Crusher, but he countered it but then got suplexed hard into the ring corner. AJ went for a springboard maneuver, but Ambrose dodged him but paid for it after AJ dropped a knee right onto his leg. AJ then turned his attention to Ambrose’s now injured leg and managed to lock in the Calf Crusher. Ambrose writhed in pain for a while before finally grabbing hold of the bottom rope. AJ locked it in again, but Ambrose escaped by slamming AJ’s head into the mat numerous times. AJ looked to land his finisher, but Ambrose pulled himself out of it and ended up on the ring apron. AJ landed a sick Enzuguri on Ambrose and almost landed another big move on Ambrose. Ambrose knocked AJ down by catapulting him face first into the corner ring post. Ambrose then clotheslined AJ to the back of the head to add more insult to injury. Ambrose ended up getting the better of AJ with his corner clothesline/bulldog combo, but AJ returned the favor to Ambrose with a strike combo/neckbreaker.

Ambrose looked to do another ring corner combination, but this time AJ locked him into an Argentine Backbreaker that ended in a slam. AJ tried to finish him off by landing a Springboard 450 Splash, but Ambrose still survived! AJ tried to follow that big move up, but Ambrose dropped him with a swift neckbreaker and several strikes. AJ then got dropped straight to the outside with a Shotgun Dropkick and a forearm strike through the middle ropes. Chaos erupted on the outside as Ambrose flung AJ right over the crowd barrier. Ambrose kept the match going by running over the announce tables and landing a double axe handle on AJ right into the crowd. Once the action got back into the ring, AJ hit a Pele on Ambrose but Ambrose responded with a Rebound Lariat. A ref bump ended up occurring though, which was followed up by AJ landing a swift kick to Ambrose’s “gonads.” One Styles Clash later and AJ walked away with the title.

Find out how to watch a free live stream of WWE Backlash 2016 here:


WWE Backlash 2016: The Results & Highlights You Need to Know

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