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WWE Survivor Series 2016: The Results & Highlights You Need to Know

The return of Survivor Series is here. And this installment’s offering of matchups feature the added element of brand warfare.

Raw and SmackDown Live have carefully constructed three teams that they hope take ’em straight to victory. This year’s Traditional Survivor Series matches will pit both brands’ best tag teams, female competitors and male singles Superstars. But the biggest matchup of all will see two of the most intimidating and damn near indestructible athletes in wrestling face off once again. Brock Lesnar and Goldberg will bring WWE 2K17’s Fantasy Warfare to life and (hopefully) give the world a much better match than their meeting at WrestleMania 20.

We’re here once again to deliver all you fans the match results and highlights for Survivor Series 2016.

Noam Dar, Rich Swann, and T.J. Perkins vs. Ariya Daivari, Drew Gulak, and Tony Nese (Six-Man Tag Team Match)

Winners: Noam Dar, Rich Swann, and T.J. Perkins!

Highlights: Everyone shook hands and then the match got underway when Swann and Nese squared off. Swann and Nese exchanged all types of holds and countered each other at every juncture. Swann dropkicked Nese and then let TJP get in to cause some damage. TJP used his mastery of suplexes to break down Nese. Nese got locked into an Octopus Hold, but he escaped after powering out of it. His advantage didn’t last long, though. TJP and Swann ended up using a slick tag team maneuver to ground Nese. After a while, Gulak and TJP ended up competing for their respective teams. Gulak almost lost via submission, but his teammates and TJP’s partners all ran in to break up the action.

When the match got back under control, Dar finally entered the ring and got into it with Daivari. After getting distracted by Nese, Dar ended up on the receiving end of a stiff Spinebuster. Dar then got the brunt of the rival team’s combined offense. Nese and Gulak punished him the most while the crowd watched Dar struggle. Once Dar got back to his feet, he kicked Gulak back down and tried to tag out. Daivari was there to cut him off, but he ended up inadvertently helping Dar tag out to Swann. Swann went crazy with his comeback offense on Daivari for a bit, but some outside help caused Daivari to gain the upper hand. Some high-flying planchas and top con hilo’s became a part of the equation afterwards. Swann used a swift back kick and a standing 450 Splash to get the win for his team.

Kane vs. Luke Harper

Winner: Kane!

Highlights: These big men slowly locked up for a while before Kane grounded Harper with a back drop suplex. Kane stayed on top of the Wyatt Family member with some uppercuts and shoulder shoves. Harper pulled Kane outside the ring and then threw himself right through the ropes before the Big Red Machine could catch his breath. Harper used his running big boot on Kane as soon as he re-entered the ring. Harper stayed on the big man with clubbing forearms to the back and a chinlock. Harper made his way to the top rope, but Kane cut him off with some stiff strikes. Kane brought Harper back down to the mat with a nice Superplex.

When both men recovered, Kane took control of the match with his comeback maneuvers. Harper hot him just as hard with a Superkick, but it wasn’t enough to end the match. Harper decided to break out his dropkick, but it still didn’t finish Kane. Kane’s own big boot and DDT combo wore down Harper some more. Harper broke out a Boss Man Slam and set up something big soon after, but he ran right into a Chokeslam From Hell. That was finally enough to get Kane the victory.

Find out how to watch a free live stream of WWE Survivor Series 2016 here:

Find out how to watch WWE Survivor Series 2016 in Spanish at AhoraMismo.com:

Team Raw (The New Day (Big E and/or Kofi Kingston and/or Xavier Woods), Sheamus and Cesaro, Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson, Enzo Amore and Big Cass and The Shining Stars (Primo and Epico)) vs. Team SmackDown Live (Heath Slater and Rhyno, The Hype Bros (Zack Ryder and Mojo Rawley), American Alpha (Jason Jordan and Chad Gable), The Usos (Jimmy and Jey Uso) and Breezango (Tyler Breeze and Fandango)) (10–on–10 Traditional Survivor Series Tag Team Elimination Match)

Winners: Team Raw (the last survivors were Sheamus and Cesaro)!

Highlights: Enzo and Cass showed love to Toronto’s Drake with some clever ad-libs during their pre-match promo. The New Day provided some spirited words for their team as soon as they made their entrance. Once the bell rang, Fandango and Breeze handed out fashion violations to every member in the ring. He paid for his error after getting eliminated by The New Day’s finisher. Then Kofi had his team get forced out after an Uso Superkick. Breeze & Fandango and The New Day got eliminated early. The match continued as Ryder and Rawley got the better of Epico. Rawley’s over the top antics paid off with a nice ear clap to Epico. Epico saved himself after dropkicking Rawley’s right into his leg. Rawley got beat down members of The Club for a bit, but he tagged in Ryder just in time to get the help he needed to escape. Ryder wiped out both men with his comeback offense. Anderson and Gallows ended up getting rid of The Hype Bros. with their Magic Killer finisher to Ryder.

American Alpha then entered the fray and got in some good moves on Gallows and other assorted members. They soon got overwhelmed and began getting beat down by members of the Shining Stars. Epico used his slick suplex combination to break down Gable even more. Suddenly, Jordan and Gable used a tag team finishing top rope bulldog maneuver to get rid of the Shining Stars. Mayhem ensued as every team began brawling inside the ring. Enzo and Cass pulled off a whole bunch of crowd pleasing moves, which was then followed up by several other members pulling off slick slick moves of their own. This crazy sequence ended after Gable got catapulted onto everyone outside the ring. Jordan got cut down with another Magic Killer, which led to the elimination of American Alpha.

SmackDown Live’s tag team champions and The Usos were left to handle the rest of Team Raw. Slater looked impressive for a while, but Gallows and Anderson ended up cutting him off. After Gallows accidentally bumped into Enzo, Rhyno tagged himself in and got rid of The Club with a Gore to Gallows. Then The Usos used a Superkick/Superfly Splash combo to get rid of Enzo and Cass. Sheamus brutalized both twins for a while when he entered the match, but eventually The Usos responded with some big moves of their own. Sheamus and Cesaro began fighting tooth and nail to get the win for their team as they shared near fall exchanges and comeback offense with The Usos. Cesaro even broke out a 619 to the shock of everyone! Cesaro used a big swing and almost locked in a Sharpshooter to get the win over The Usos, but his submission hold got broken up after he got kicked in his leg. Cesaro got locked into a Tequila Sunrise, but he broke out and locked the Sharpshooter back in. Sheamus used his Brogue Kick to keep things under control, which led into Cesaro getting the submission win for his team.

The Miz (c) (with Maryse) vs. Sami Zayn (WWE Intercontinental Championship; if Zayn wins, the title will transfer to Raw)

Winner: And still the WWE Intercontinental Champion, The Miz!

Highlights: After the big match intros, Miz and Zayn locked up. Zayn’s swiftness caught Miz off guard at several moments and even caused Miz to exit to the outside. Zayn pulled off a sweet moonsault off the security barrier, but Miz got back to his feet and began targeting Zayn’s leg. Zayn used some top rope punches once he regained control, but Miz cut him off before he could finish and continued breaking down Zayn’s injured leg. After some grueling leg work, Zayn finally got back to his feet and landed a sick clothesline on Miz. Zayn followed that up with a nice leap onto the IC Champ over the top rope. Zayn went right into his comeback offense as soon as Miz crawled back into the ring. Zayn went for his Blue Thunder Bomb, but Miz flipped out of it, fought to lock on another hold and ended up DDT-ing Zayn after a brief struggle.

Miz decided to taunt Daniel Bryan and use his corner running dropkick on Zayn. Miz signaled for a big top rope move, but Zayn spun behind him and landed his big Blue Thunder Bomb. Zayn looked to land his Helluva Kick, but his injured leg prevented him from running at full speed. Zayn’s big Exploder Suplex into the corner worked though, but Zayn was still unable to follow it up with his finisher. Miz took note of this and locked on his Figure Four Leglock. Zayn struggled for several moments and he finally reversed the hold right onto The Miz’s legs. Miz reached back into Daniel Bryan’s movelist and used his repeated chest kicks to weaken Zayn. Zayn caught one of his feet and ended up locking him in the Figure Four Leglock. Suddenly, the bell rang and it seemed as if The Miz had tapped. Turns out it was only Maryse. This huge distraction led to Zayn releasing the hold, which led right into Miz rolling up Zayn for the dirty win.

Find out how to watch a free live stream of WWE Survivor Series 2016 here:

Find out how to watch WWE Survivor Series 2016 in Spanish at AhoraMismo.com:

Team Raw (Charlotte Flair, Bayley, Nia Jax, Alicia Fox and Sasha Banks with Dana Brooke) vs. Team SmackDown Live (Nikki Bella, Becky Lynch, Alexa Bliss, Carmella and Naomi with Natalya) (5–on–5 Traditional Survivor Series Women’s Elimination Match)

Winners: Team Raw (the last survivors were Bayley and Charlotte)!

Highlights: What was shocking about this match was the absence of Nikki Bella. Turns out Nikki got beat down by some unknown assailant backstage. Natalya decided to take her place. When the match finally began, Fox and Carmella got rough with each other real early. Alicia used a nice Northern Lights Suplex on Carmella, but Carmella quickly recovered and used a quick move of her own to take her down. Suddenly, chaos ensued as every woman got into the ring to start brawling. Once the ref regained order, Charlotte and Lynch went back and forth. Charlotte retreated, tagged in Jax and let her run roughshod over Lynch. Jax began shoving down every member of Team SmackDown Live as they all came in. The 1st Elimination came when the Fox used a Scissors Kick to take out Carmella, but then Fox got taken out by Bliss used her Spark Splash to eliminate her. Naomi met her end after she pulled off a big splash to the outside and got shoved into the ring corner by Jax. She ended up getting counted out.

Natalya and Bliss ended up vying for control with Banks. Banks used her knee based offense to gain the upper hand, but she got eliminated due to a quick surprise Natalya pin. Charlotte got beat down a bit once she began locking up with Natalya. Natalya’s big German Suplex almost took out Charlotte, but Charlotte’s big boot caused Natalya to get taken out of the match. The match continued with Jax getting broken down by Lynch and Bliss, who decided to stop arguing and work like a well-oiled unit. Jax’s double suplex to both ladies looked impressive, but it was followed up by her tapping out to Lynch’s Dis-Arm-Her. Jax decided to beat down Lynch on the outside, which then led to Charlotte using another big boot to eliminate Bliss thus time. Lynch was forced to take on the last two women on Raw’s team. Charlotte looked good as she continued to get the best of Lynch, but Lynch gave her some tough offense of her own. Bayley soon got tagged in and exchanged holds with Lynch, but Bayley won the match for her team via a Bayley to Belly. During the post-match celebration, Charlotte beat down Bayley and tossed her to the outside ring barrier.

Brian Kendrick (c) vs. Kalisto (Singles Match for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship; if Kalisto wins the title, then Smackdown Live will get the Cruiserweight Division from Raw)

Winner: And still the WWE Cruiserweight Champion due to DQ, Brian Kendrick!

Highlights: Both men shook hands at the beginning, but Kendrick got right to business after that show of respect. Kalisto ended up pushing him to the outside and he got followed that up with a nice top con hilo to the outside. Kalisto laid in some good strikes and broke out his usual high flying maneuvers to further incapacitate Kendrick. Kendrick countered back with a nice side kick and a German Suplex soon after. It looked as if he was about to land Sliced Bread #2, but Kalisto countered him and ended up getting locked into pinning exchanges with Kendrick. Kendrick chose to use the ring itself to get the upper hand when he pulled Kalisto’s neck and back region into the corner ring pad. Then he kicked the steel steps right into the side of Kalisto while the luchador was stuck in between it.

Kendrick finally got things in control and in his favor with submissions holds and more strikes. Kalisto took a while to flip out of his hold, but Kendrick caught him with a cool maneuver that pulled Kalisto’s neck first right into the middle ring ropes. Kalisto took a while to recover, but he soon took out Kendrick with a few kicks and a Spanish Fly from the ring apron. After beating the ref’s 10-count, Kalisto landed a tope suicida to Kendrick on the outside. Both men soon found themselves fighting on the top rope for a prime position. Kendrick slammed Kalisto to the mat with a Headlock Takeover and finally locked in his Captain’s Hook for several grueling moments. Somehow, Kalisto broke out of the tight submission hold. Kendrick tried to lay in some more strikes, but Kalisto kicked himself into 2nd gear and began landing a bunch of slick comeback moves. Then Kalisto almost got the win after landing his Salina Del Sol on Kendrick (Kendrick got his foot on the rope to break the pin). When it looked like Kalisto had the match won, Baron Corbin showed up! Corbin cost Kalisto the match by focusing his finishing End of Days attack on him.

Find out how to watch a free live stream of WWE Survivor Series 2016 here:

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Team Raw (Kevin Owens, Chris Jericho, Roman Reigns, Braun Strowman and Seth Rollins) vs. Team SmackDown Live (AJ Styles, Dean Ambrose, Randy Orton, Bray Wyatt and Shane McMahon) (with James Ellsworth) (5–on–5 Traditional Survivor Series Men’s Elimination Match)

Winners: Team SmackDown (the last survivors were Bray Wyatt and Randy Orton)!

Highlights: AJ and Owens matched up and began the battle of their brand’s top champions. After both men missed their signature holds and finishers, a stalemate ensued. Y2J then made his way into the match after a hug from his best friend Owens and stated tearing into AJ. AJ’s beautiful dropkick brought Y2J to the mat, which led to him angrily tagging in Rollins. AJ then did the same to Ambrose and forced both men to fight. Ambrose and Rollins ended up fighting to a stalemate of their own and while Rollins’ back was turned, Y2J tagged himself back in. Y2J’s jaw jacking with Ambrose did nothing but piss Ambrose off and cause Y2J much discomfort. Both men exchanged holds until Y2J landed an Enzuguri on Ambrose. Y2J viciously slapped Ambrose, which woke Ambrose back up and caused him to assault Y2J. Shane O’Mac soon got involved and used his quickness to land a running reverse elbow to Y2J. Jericho responded with a Missile Dropkick to Shane, which was followed by some offense from Rollins and Reigns.

The crowd booed Reigns relentlessly, but he ignored the hate and clothesline Shane in the corner several times. Rollins got tagged in to maintain control. Shane saved himself after back body dropping Rollins and tagging in Ambrose. Ambrose got into it with the newly tagged in Owens, which led into Ambrose landing a ton of his signature moves. Both teams stepped into the ring for a staredown that lasted a good while; Y2J started the brawl and caused plenty of bodies to be strewn about outside the ring. While both teams continued assaulting each other outside the ring, Owens launched himself onto them all. Strowman got his hands on Shane for a bit, but then Team SmackDown began weakening Raw’s big man. AJ landed a Pele on Reigns and Ambrose laid out Rollins with a Rebound Lariat, but things broke down between the both of them. Shane tried desperately to break them up, but their skirmish led into Ambrose getting eliminated by Strowman’s Running Powerslam.

Strowman turned his attention to Shane and even swatted AJ and Orton away when they tried to intervene. All of a sudden, Bray ran into the ring and stopped Strowman from continuing his rampage for a little while. He soon regained his focus and targeted his former stablemate leader. On the outside, Orton RKO’d Strowman right onto an announce table. After getting set up by Bray and Orton, Strowman crashed through the announce table after a Shane O’Mac Elbow Drop. Strowman met his elimination after being unable to answer the ref’s 10-count due to James Ellsworth grabbing his leg from underneath the ring. Strowman took out his frustrations on SmackDown Live’s mascot by flinging him onto a pair of tables near the entrance ramp. Back inside the ring, Y2J and his best buddy focused on beating down Shane. Shane ended up getting caught with a Codebreaker (Orton ate one of his own), but Shane still survived as the match wore on. Y2J went for a top rope splash on Shane, but Shane moved away at the very last second.

AJ got the hot tag and began going to town on Y2J. Y2J looked to save himself with a Walls of Jericho, but AJ reversed it into his Calf Crusher. AJ even angered Owens after hitting him while he was on the ring apron, which led to Owens DQ’ing himself after hitting AJ with Y2J’s metal List pad. Y2J looked to recover all the papers that just got thrown onto the mat, but this distraction led to him getting eliminated with an RKO. Rollins made his way into the ring, but he soon ended up the end of Orton and Bray’s tandem offense. Rollins was forced to tag in Reigns after a while and thankfully he cleaned house on every member of Team SmackDown Live. Reigns went for a Superman Punch on AJ, but AJ’s Enzuguri stopped it mid-way. Shane got tagged in, started throwing punches and even landed a DDT on Reigns. Then Shane focused his attention on Rollins, then went right back to beating down Reigns. Shane signaled for his Coast to Coast, but Reigns speared him right out of the air. A scary moment occurred when Shane was forced to leave the match after the ref saw him in an unresponsive state.

When the match got back into the ring, Orton and Bray worked on a much weaker Reigns. Reigns turned the momentum around for his team by clotheslining Bray and tagging in a fresh Rollins. Rollins pulled out his best moves as he took out AJ inside the ring and Bray outside of it. Rollins damn near destroyed AJ with an Enzuguri and his Superplex/Falcon Arrow combo. Afterwards, Orton tried to DDT Rollins on the outside but Reigns showed up just in time to stop him. AJ then had to save Orton from eating a Shield Powerbomb. AJ looked to get things back in his team’s favor, but then Ambrose ran out and began taking shots at AJ. Suddenly, a Shield reunion broke out! Rollins and Reigns teamed up to help Ambrose take out several security guards and then Powerbomb AJ into an announce table. AJ soon got eliminated.

It all came down to Orton/Bray and Rollins/Reigns. Harper came from underneath the ring to help distract Team Raw, which helped Team SmackDown live gain the upper hand. Rollins landed a Slingblade on Bray and even went to lay out Harper out on the outside. Rollins did his best to stay in the match, but a missed Frog Splash caused him to get dropped with an eliminating RKO. Reigns was the last man standing for Raw. He fought harder than he ever has before during his struggle with Bray and Orton. Reigns managed to get rid of Harper with a quick spear on the outside. Reigns signaled for another spear on Bray, but Orton shoved him away and sacrificed himself. Orton ate the spear and helped Bray catch a quick breather. Bray got the win for his brand after landing a Sister Abigail on Reigns.

Find out how to watch a free live stream of WWE Survivor Series 2016 here:

Find out how to watch WWE Survivor Series 2016 in Spanish at AhoraMismo.com:

Brock Lesnar (with Paul Heyman) vs. Goldberg

Winner: Goldberg!

Highlights: Lesnar picked up Goldberg and planted him in the corner, but it did nothing but piss the big man off. Goldberg shoved him away and cut him down with two shocking spears to the delight of the crowd. Then it all came to an end after just one Jackhammer! GOLDBERG WINS!

Find out how to watch a free live stream of WWE Survivor Series 2016 here:

Find out how to watch WWE Survivor Series 2016 in Spanish at AhoraMismo.com:

Non-Match Moments/Highlights

Come back and join us for the results and highlights from WWE TLC: Tables, Ladders and Chairs 2016 on December 4, 2016!

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Here's all the match results and highlights you need to know that took place at this year's Survivor Series.