WWE Royal Rumble 2017: The Results & Highlights You Need to Know

Kevin Owens (c) vs. Roman Reigns (No Disqualification Match for the WWE Universal Championship; Chris Jericho Will be Suspended in a Shark Cage Above the Ring)

Royal Rumble 2017

Winner: And still the WWE Universal Champion, Kevin Owens!

Highlights: Before Jericho got locked in the cage, he and Kevin jumped all over Roman with punches and kicks. Roman quickly got back into fighting mode, beat down both men and soon forced Y2J into his temporary home for the evening. As soon as the bell rang, Kevin began his assault on the title challenger. Roman shook off all those strikes and took the fight right into the crowd as he battered Kevin with strikes. Roman even slammed Kevin into the Japanese Announcer’s Table! Back by the ring, Kevin fought back hard by throwing Roman into the steel steps. Kevin soon set up a number of steel chairs. Roman managed to take down Kevin with some strikes of his own, but he soon found himself on the receiving end of a Cannonball Splash into the security barrier.

Kevin used a separate steel chair as a battering ram to injure Roman’s gut. Then, Kevin ended up on the ring apron and looked to slam Roman into his castle of steel chairs. Roman fought back valiantly and looked to throw Kevin into his own concoction. After failing to do so, Roman hopped back into the ring to land some of his signature moves on the current title holder. Roman took a trip to the outside afterwards to recover a table. While Roman was distracted by the setup of that table, Kevin landed a sick Backstabber on him. Kevin pushed the table to the outside and looked to land another Cannonball Splash after using Roman’s signature taunt. Of course, this pissed off Roman and caused him to counter with a big boot and a Sitdown Powerbomb. Kevin crawled to the outside, but he got cracked with Roman’s Drive-By sliding dropkick.

Roman set up the table he recovered from before, but Kevin Superkicked him repeatedly to weaken him. Kevin then pulled off a nice Frog Splash that crashed right through Roman while he was laid atop the table. Roman looked even weaker than before, which caused Kevin to capitalize by battering him with a steel chair. Kevin looked to throw Roman into a chair set between the ring apron, but Roman got back into 2nd gear and began responding back with his own offense. But Kevin caught him off guard with another Superkick, which led to Roman getting thrown into the set up steel chair. Y2J gave his best bud some aid by throwing down a pair of brass knuckles. Kevin almost lost them after Roman tried to take they away, but Kevin shook him off and ended up landing a nice Superman Punch with the Brass Knuckles still on.

Kevin looked to Powerbomb Roman onto a steel chair, but Roman got him up instead for a Samoan Drop on that very same chair. Roman made a play for another table, which he managed to set up in the ring corner. Kevin almost rolled Roman up, but he escaped and responded right after with a Superman Punch. Roman signaled for a Spear, but Kevin landed a knee counter followed by a Stone Cold Stunner out of nowhere! In the corner, Kevin tapped into Austin’s offense even more by using his mudhole stomp on Roman. This got followed up by another Cannonball Splash. Kevin then picked up Roman for his bog move through his steel chair structure set up on the outside. The crowd looked on in awe and watched as Kevin failed, leading to Roman landing another Superman Punch. This caused Kevin to catapult through his steel chair setup.

Roman left the ring to clear off every announce table on the outside. He took the chance to punish Kevin even more by Powerbombing him right through the middle one. Back in the ring, Roman looked to land another Spear. All of a sudden, Braun Strowman attacked Roman by chokeslamming him on an announce table and slamming him through a table. Kevin slid over Roman’s now destroyed body and grabbed the cheap victory.

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